Communities and Justice

Key TEI program resources

This page has resources that DCJ has developed to support TEI service providers to deliver the best services they can. If you have any questions or comments about these resources, please contact:

Program specifications

TEI program specifications (PDF, 895.7 KB) – sets out the intended program outcomes, the program target group and examples of activities that might be delivered under the program. Service providers must comply with the TEI program specifications.

Outcomes framework

The Targeted Earlier Intervention (TEI) outcomes framework  outlines how DCJ and service providers will work together to build evidence of TEI program outcomes. It provides a roadmap for linking the TEI program and any program activities to improved client outcomes.

The outcomes framework supports providers in measuring and displaying the contribution of their TEI work to achieving lasting change in peoples’ lives. It also ensures that DCJ invests in programs that deliver meaningful outcomes for the people we serve. A large part of this is developing a clear program logic and collecting and reporting data through the Data Exchange system (DEX).

The outcomes framework also outlines how we will work from an evidence informed platform and build the evidence base for what works.

Program logic

A program logic provides a framework for monitoring and evaluating service activities using evidence of what works to improve client outcomes. It is an important component of evidence-informed practice, with the evidence helping service providers to demonstrate the client outcomes that are likely to be achieved as a result of the service activities.

TEI service providers delivering services in the Community Strengthening and the Wellbeing and Safety program activities are contractually required to complete an individual program logic for each program activity.  The program logic activities change as needs and local priorities change, so you must review the document at least annually. 

Important things to know about Individual Program Logic Templates

  • You may need to complete more than one program logic if you deliver services under more than one program activity.
  • When developing your program logic, you will also need to have access to your contract which is the overarching document that outlines the services you are funded to deliver.
  • Family Connect and Support (FCS) providers do not need to develop a separate individual program logic for this program activity as the FCS model of service delivery is the same across the state.
  • Service Providers are not required to develop an individual Cultural Safety and Wellbeing program logic but should aim to embed the principles of the high-level program logic (available in the program specifications) into their service delivery.
  • Your program logic/s will be assessed by your local district. This is to ensure service providers adequately understand TEI objectives and all program logics developed in the TEI program are high-quality.

Community Strengthening

You can download the individual program logic template for the Community Strengthening program activity here.

Wellbeing and Safety

There are two individual program logic templates under the Wellbeing and Safety program activity, one for those who are delivering services to children and families, and another for those who are delivering services to young people:

You can download the Wellbeing and Safety Program Activity - children and families individual program logic template here.

You can download the Wellbeing and Safety Program Activity - young people individual program logic here.

TEI Program Logic e-module

We have developed a program logic e-module to help you understand the approach to evidence and program logics in the TEI program and to support you in how to complete your individual program logic for the program activities you are funded to deliver.

We strongly encourage service providers to access this training.  This module replaces the previous program logic e-module and includes new information on using the evidence developed for the TEI Program.  Note that this e-module will be updated once the new TEI Program Specifications are finalised.

Further resources

Further resources will be added to this page shortly, including the updated “Guide to Assessing a Program Logic”.


For more information about the TEI Evaluation visit Independent evaluation of the Targeted Early Intervention (TEI) program.

Practice examples

Read insights shared by TEI practitioners into how they were able to connect with their clients and communities to achieve strengths-based, trauma-informed and person-centred outcomes. To find their stories visit Spotlight on TEI, click on a client story and scroll down to 'Going Deeper into Practice.'

Evidence implementation

The Evidence Portal aims to improve access and increase the use of evidence in service design and delivery, to improve outcomes for children, young people, families and communities.

The evidence available on the Evidence Portal can be used by providers to update their program logic, to reflect current evidence.

TEI annual report

Targeted Earlier Intervention Program 2020-21 NSW Annual Report

This document is the first Targeted Earlier Intervention (TEI) Program annual report. It presents quantitative data reported by the Program’s funded service providers from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021.

Indigenous Data Sovereignty
Common Assessment Tool
Last updated:

27 Sep 2024