Communities and Justice

How is Communities and Justice applying the Outcomes Framework?

The Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) uses the NSW Human Services Outcomes Framework (The Outcomes Framework) to better respond to vulnerability and disadvantage in NSW. It helps us to build a link between what our clients need, what we do (our activities and interventions) and what we want to achieve (positive outcomes for clients).

The Outcomes Framework supports us to:

  • Focus on the outcomes that matter most to clients’ long-term wellbeing.
  • Build and use evidence about how to improve client wellbeing, so we can do more of what works and less of what doesn’t.
  • Measure how successful we are in making long-term, positive differences to people’s lives.
  • Collaborate with other Government agencies and partners to deliver more sustainable and meaningful impact.

We embed the Outcomes Framework across the design, implementation and evaluation of our programs and interventions. This is so we can deliver quality services that meet the long-term needs and goals of clients.

See our factsheet (PDF, 218.9 KB) or extended report (PDF, 743.4 KB) for more information on how the Outcomes Framework can be used.

The Outcomes Framework is used in a number of different areas across DCJ. These include:

Various government agencies, peak bodies and non-government organisations also use the Outcomes Framework in their work. See below for some case studies:

More information

More information on how the Outcomes Framework is used in DCJ can be found in the following documents:

Applying the NSW Human Services Outcomes Framework in Communities and Justice – December 2020 –  Snapshot (PDF, 218.9 KB)

A short summary of the NSW Human Services Outcomes Framework and how it is being applied by Communities and Justice.

An overview of how Communities and Justice is applying the NSW Human Services Outcomes Framework – April 2021 – Report (PDF, 743.4 KB)

A comprehensive overview of the NSW Human Services Outcomes Framework and how it is being applied by Communities and Justice.

Applying the NSW Human Services Outcomes Framework in Communities and Justice: Key Terms and Concepts – April 2021 – Report (PDF, 1.3 MB)

A comprehensive overview of key terms and concepts used by Communities and Justice when discussing and applying the Human Services Outcomes Framework.

Developing a Program Logic Guide - A step-by-step guide (PDF, 5.1 MB)

This guide has been developed to support DCJ staff to use program logics to design, implement and evaluate evidence-informed programs.

FACSIAR Program Logic Template (DOCX, 59.6 KB)

FACSIAR's program logic template prompts DCJ staff to think through and demonstrate the links between program activities, outputs, outcomes and long-term impact. Please refer to the step-by-step guide to Developing a Program Logic when completing this template.

Key terms and concepts

For explanations of key terms and concepts, visit the Glossary page.

Contact us

For more information or to send us your feedback contact FACSIAR at

Last updated:

03 Jul 2024