Communities and Justice

Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) Evidence Portal

DCJ has built an Evidence Portal to enable the human services sector to access high-quality evidence to design and implement their services.

The Evidence Portal is a user-friendly interactive website. It will enable service providers to quickly and easily find high-quality evidence relevant to their clients’ needs.

The Portal currently includes:

  • Evidence Reviews capturing rigorously evaluated programs and services
  • Evidence-informed programs identified in these reviews
  • Core components program components common across evidence informed programs, for identified groups of people. At this stage the Core Components approach is available for services that provide supports to keep children and young people safe and support them to thrive.
  • The Aboriginal Cultural Safety and Wellbeing Evidence Review - a review undertaken to explore available evidence and gaps in relation to building culturally safe human services.

Over time, the Portal will also include evidence reviews to identify other research evidence.

Last updated:

26 Mar 2024