Communities and Justice

The Data Exchange

The Data Exchange (DEX) is the reporting platform used for Targeted Earlier Intervention (TEI). It is a web-based platform hosted by the Commonwealth Department of Social Services.

DEX has the capacity to capture data across the entire early intervention continuum, helping ensure that client demographics, service delivery information and client outcomes are reported in a consistent way. All TEI services report data through DEX.

Who can I ask for help?

The resources on this page can help with many DEX questions or issues you may be experiencing. 

For help with MyGovID and RAM: contact your internal DEX support staff or call the support line on 1300 287 539.

For general Data Exchange support: contact your internal DEX support staff or contact or 1800 020 283 (9.00am – 5.00pm Monday to Friday).

For TEI specific questions: talk to your local DCJ district contact first, or email us at

Resources for using the Data Exchange

About DEX
myGovID and RAM
DEX set-up
Privacy and consent
TEI Minimum dataset
TEI Outcomes Matrix
  • Outcomes Matrix – This document will support TEI-funded service providers to measure and report client/community outcomes for the TEI program’.
Real examples of measuring outcomes from service providers
Measuring and reporting outcomes (SCORE)
Logging into DEX

Log in to the Data Exchange web-based portal - This task card discusses:

  • Before accessing the Data Exchange 
  • First time accessing the Data Exchange
Bulk upload data
  • Bulk File Upload Technical Specifications - The Data Exchange Bulk File Upload Technical Specifications is intended for organisations wanting to use bulk uploads to submit their data to the Data Exchange. The document provides technical details about the data format and system requirements, and are primarily aimed at IT managers, system developers and software providers.
System-to-system transfer of data
  • Web Services Technical Specifications - The Data Exchange System-to-System Technical Specifications are for organisations wanting to use system-to-system transfers to submit their data to the Data Exchange. The document provides technical details about the data format and system requirements, and is aimed at IT managers, system developers and software providers.
Qualitative data reporting
  • The TEI Data Collection & Reporting Guide (p38) provides guidance on reporting qualitative data. Qualitative data can provide important insights into our client’s experiences and the impact of our services. In the TEI program, it is NOT mandatory to collect and analyse qualitative data. Services should only collect qualitative data if they have somewhere safe to store the data (hard and/or soft copies); have the capacity to analyse the data; will use the data to better understand client needs and outcomes; will use the data to improve service delivery and design. More work is underway in this space.
Sector development
DEX reports
  • Access, Explore and Export your Data Exchange Data
  • Using data in the TEI Program – a guide for providers and DCJ Commissioning and Planning Officers to use data to demonstrate performance against TEI contract/s; identify and fix data quality issues; and includes a check list to prepare for contract management discussions
  • Using data to improve our services – a guide on how to use data to inform decisions about service delivery to understand client needs; understand and improve client outcomes; understand client pathways; and plan and forecast future service delivery
  • The NSW TEI Activity Report – a guide on how to use this report to keep track of key performance measures; clearly understand who our clients are and what they need, in real time; and understand what activities are effective and what outcomes they contribute to identify key data quality issues
  • Recording alternate forms of service delivery - This fact sheet provides information to assist organisations on how to record telephone, virtual or remote service delivery in the Data Exchange.
Data Quality
DEX webinars
Resources for using the data exchange
  • TEI Data Collection and Reporting Guide - This document outlines the data collection and reporting practices for the Targeted Earlier Intervention (TEI) program in the Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ).
Last updated:

05 Apr 2024