Communities and Justice

Need legal help?

Please note that this site does not offer legal advice. We provide phone numbers and links to sites that have information about legal issues and how to get legal help. It is always best to seek professional advice when you need help with a legal question or problem.

Children's Legal Service

If you're under 18 and need advice about a criminal law problem, or think you might be in trouble with the law, you can get professional legal help through the Children's Legal Service. This is a specialist unit of Legal Aid NSW that assists and represents children and young people under the age of 18 who are involved in criminal matters and Apprehended Violence Order applications in the Children’s Courts.

They provide advice and assistance both over the phone and at court.

Help over the phone

For legal advice and information call:

Legal aid youth hotline:
1800 10 18 10
9 am to midnight weekdays, 24-hour from Friday 9 am to Sunday midnight and on public holidays

Help at court

The Children's Legal Service has duty lawyers at various locations throughout NSW. You can contact them using the numbers below:

Sydney (Surry Hills Children's Court)
02 9219 5120

Newcastle (Wyong Children's Court, Broadmeadow Children's Court)
02 4929 5482

Parramatta (Parramatta Children's Court, Woy Woy Children's Court, Hornsby Children's Court)
02 9066 6000

Campbelltown (Campbelltown Children's Court)
02 4628 2922

Wollongong (Sutherland Children's Court, Port Kembla Children's Court, Nowra Children's Court)
02 4228 8299

Other legal services and websites

Community legal centres in NSW
Centres that offer legal advice and advocacy services for people on low incomes or facing other disadvantage.
Call 1300 888 529 to find your nearest centre.

Office of the advocate for children and young people

Free legal information and referrals (NSW Attorney-General's Department)
1300 888 529

The Shopfront Youth Legal Centre
For homeless or disadvantaged young people, 9.30am - 5.00pm Mon - Fri
02 9322 4808

Lawstuff - Know your rights
A website dedicated to providing legal information to children and young people in Australia

Aboriginal Legal Service (NSW/ACT) Ltd
1800 765 767

Last updated:

22 May 2024