Communities and Justice

My rights as a child and young person

Children as well as adults have human rights. “Rights” are things that every child should have or be able to do.

As you grow, you have more responsibility to make choices and exercise your rights. All children have the same rights, without discrimination of any kind. These rights are listed in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

What is the Convention on the Rights of the Child

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is an international human rights agreement that states the specific rights of children and young people under the age of 18.

It lists the things that all children have the right to expect in order to live a happy and healthy life, such as:

  • being treated with dignity
  • being safe from abuse and exploitation
  • having a family to care for you
  • knowing your identity and culture
  • having access to healthcare and education.

The Convention has been signed by nearly every country in the world, including Australia. By approving the Convention, Australia has committed to ensure that your rights are protected and to help your family create an environment where you can grow and reach your potential.

Some of the guiding principles in the Convention are:

  • the best interests of the child is a primary consideration
  • the right to survival and development
  • the right of all children to express their views freely on all matters affecting them
  • the right of all children to enjoy all the rights of the Convention without any discrimination.

All children have these rights, regardless of who they are, where they live, the language they speak, their religion or culture, whether they have a disability or whether they are rich or poor.

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Last updated:

21 May 2024