Communities and Justice

Feeling and being safe in your home

Most families have arguments and it's pretty normal for family members not to get along at times. But if an adult in your family is hurting, humiliating, threatening or frightening you, this could be domestic violence. The violence might also be towards your mother, father, siblings or other members of your family.

If you're living in a house where there is domestic violence, remember:

  • don’t put yourself in danger to try and protect someone else
  • no matter what the circumstances, violence is never justified and is never your fault. The only person who can be blamed for the violence is the person who is being violent
  • you are not alone - there are people who can help you.

You have the right to be safe, cared for and live in place where you feel loved and accepted. If in your home there is violence and abuse, there are things you can do to get help.

Who you can call

If you or someone in the house is in danger right now, call the Police on triple zero (000) or go to your nearest hospital emergency department. AskIzzy can help you find the nearest hospital.

If you want to talk to someone about what is happening, call:

Kids Helpline
1800 55 1800
Free and confidential telephone and online counselling service for young people aged between 5 and 25
Open 24/7

Child Protection Helpline
13 21 11
Call to report abuse that is happening or has happened, or that you have seen. You can also call if you feel unsafe.
Open 24/7

13 11 14
All ages
Open 24/7

Suicide Call Back Service
1300 659 467
Ages 15 and up
Open 24/7

Keep yourself safe

Some things you could do to stay safe:

  • find someone you can trust to talk to about what is happening in your home
  • have a safe place in the house where you can go when the violence is happening
  • plan the best way to get out of the house quickly. Ask a neighbour or friend who lives nearby if you can go to their house in an emergency
  • have a list of people that you can call if you don’t feel safe. This could include a friend, a relative, a teacher, a counsellor, the police and child protection. Make sure you have their phone numbers written down in a safe place or in your mobile.

It's a good idea to be prepared in case there is danger and you need to act quickly. Check the What's OK at home? website for more advice on how to create a safety plan.

Last updated:

21 May 2024