Communities and Justice

After care support

The out of home care (OOHC) agency that managed the young person's last placement is responsible for providing or arranging support until 25 years of age.  When a care leaver reaches out for help it is important to provide whatever assistance you can, even if you did not have direct involvement with their time in care.

It is important you discuss the different forms of after care support that are available and recommend services or make referrals based on their wishes and their needs at that point in time. For example, you can provide help with:

  • identifying and clarifying their needs including the level of urgency
  • reviewing and amending their Leaving Care Plan if that is part of your role
  • linking them back to their OOHC provider if necessary or appropriate
  • joining them with services such as Centrelink and targeted products like the Transition to Independent Living Allowance (TILA)
  • helping them find accommodation, access education or vocational training, counselling, employment, legal advice, health services or professional services
  • providing advice about other government or non-government agencies that can help with family searching, family mediation and family reunion services
  • accessing their OOHC file and personal documentation.

Ensure young people in care and care leavers have a copy of Your Next Step (PDF, 5.5 MB)Explain that Your Next Step:

  • outlines the process for planning their exit from care
  • details the entitlements of a person leaving statutory care
  • helps them identify what they want included in their plan
  • can be used to identify living skills that they should develop and
  • provides details of the services and supports available to them.

Encourage care leavers to visit the Youth Hub website where they can access a number of resources (including Your Next Step) and keep up to date with support available to them, including financial assistance, so they know they can still ask for financial help up to age 25.

Every young person leaving care should be encouraged to access TILA funding. Caseworkers must apply on behalf of the young person using the NSW TILA application form (PDF, 575.5 KB) and sending it to Southern Youth and Family Support (SYFS) via or fax 4240 4891. Caseworkers do not need to contact DSS directly, instead all questions and applications must be sent to SYFS.

Certain information held by DCJ or their agency and former foster carers should be given to the young person when their care order expires and include (but are not limited to):

  • birth certificate
  • medicare care
  • Certificate of Aboriginality
  • school reports
  • medical reports
  • personal photographs
  • personal possessions

Talk with the carer, because on leaving a placement, young people are allowed to keep any personal effects, clothing, equipment such as wheelchairs or furniture that may have been purchased for them while in care.

In addition to Centrelink and other benefits, those who left statutory care for independence aged 15 or older may be eligible for financial assistance from DCJ. Refer to the Guidelines for the provision of assistance after leaving long term statutory out of home care.

If a care leaver cannot access support from their existing provider, for example they have moved or do not wish to communicate with them, they can seek support from a Specialist Aftercare Program provider (see below), the Care Leavers Line (1800 994 686 or or their local DCJ Client Services Centre.

Specialist Aftercare Program

The Specialist Aftercare Program is for eligible care leavers aged 17-24 years who might need some additional support. This service helps the young person work towards their goals by offering tailored assistance based on identified needs. This can include general and intensive aftercare support, mentoring, group work, remote outreach support, and Aboriginal cultural consultation for leaving care planning. The program is not for all care leavers – it is for those who need additional support and extra assistance.


To be eligible, a young person must meet eligibility for leaving and aftercare assistance as outlined in the Guidelines for the provision of assistance after leaving long term statutory out-of-home care and meet at least one of the following conditions:

  • Be aged 18-24 and have moderate to high needs.
  • Be aged 18-24, has moved, and is no longer able to be supported by the Permanency Support Program (PSP) provider.
  • Specialist assistance is requested regarding cultural elements of the plan, and the aftercare service is contracted to provide this service element.
  • For care leavers aged 17 where there are high and complex needs, early referral to a specialist aftercare provider may support transition planning and coordination.

Care leavers are NOT eligible if they:

  • Access Supported Independent Living (SIL) or Therapeutic Supported Independent Living (TSIL)
  • Are supported by DCJ’s Youth Initiative program
  • Are not deemed as having moderate to high needs (as any help they need can be provided by their OOHC agency).


Caseworkers can refer a young person to the Specialist Aftercare Program by:

  1. Downloading the referral form (DOCX, 61.7 KB)
  2. Reviewing eligibility details on the form
  3. Completing the form with the young person
  4. Contacting a Specialist Aftercare Program provider
  5. Sending the form to the provider.

Specialist Aftercare Program factsheets

Statutory requirements

See also

Last updated:

13 Mar 2025