Communities and Justice

Leaving Care Planning and the NDIS

A young person may have an NDIS plan (if they have a disability and are eligible for the scheme) as well as an out-of-home care (OOHC) case plan. In preparation for leaving care, make sure there is a coordinated response between case planning and the NDIS plan to meet the young person's additional disability support needs as they build skill for and prepare to transition out of care.

The NDIS Plan

The NDIS plan outlines funded support to meet the young person's disability needs and complements their leaving care plan. It does not replace other leaving care case planning responsibilities. The NDIS plan typically covers a 12 month period but may be longer or shorter and is reviewed at the end of the plan period.

Talk with the young person and carer to identify if the supports funded in their NDIS plan currently meet their disability needs, what other disability specific supports would be helpful to support their transition to independence along with the type of disability supports they will need after leaving care. Incorporate these into the leaving care plan and make sure to discuss the identified disability support needs with the NDIA planner at the next plan review meeting so that these can be incorporated into the NDIS plan. NDIS supports should not overlap with other support and entitlements required to help the young person transition to independence.

If the NDIS plan will expire a long time in the future and supports are needed now to support the development of independent living skills in readiness for transition, or you have any other concerns about the adequacy of the young person's NDIS plan, consider the need for an unscheduled review meeting so that NDIS specific leaving care supports can be put in place. Speak to the young person's NDIS Support Coordinator or Local Area Coordinator (LAC) as nominated on their NDIS plan or refer to the NDIS website ( for information about how to submit a review request

These documents will help you to navigate through the NDIS process with the young person you are supporting.

Arranging their first NDIS plan

If the young person does not have an NDIS plan and needs one to help support their disability needs, submit an access request for the young person as soon as possible to allow time for NDIS specific leaving care supports to be included prior to transition. Refer to the NDIS website or the advice on this page -

Everyone has a role to play

Work together with the young person, carer, support coordinator and/or NDIS planner to ensure everyone knows their role in actioning the NDIS plan.

The leaving care plan includes the key elements and how NDIS funded supports address the young person’s disability needs.

Further details for the young person with disability should outline:

  • any additional needs related to where the young person can live or how they can travel (for example supported living or modifications to equipment)
  • how the young person will care for themselves day to day, make decisions, manage their money, health, and medication
  • the young person's needs for clinical therapy, counselling and behaviour support
  • how the young person will be supported to stay connected to their family, culture and community
  • the young person's goals and aspirations
  • other needs related to their disability

These documents will help you to navigate through the NDIS process with the young person you are supporting.

See also:

PSP Learning Hub Leaving and After Care information

Last updated:

23 May 2023