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In many cases young people may be entitled to financial assistance which should be considered in the process of leaving care planning. Knowing what their entitlements are is important for young people and carers to utilise them properly and financially plan ahead.
Caseworkers should provide information and access support for the relevant options as required. Refer to the Guidelines for the provision of assistance after leaving out-of-home care (PDF, 154.4 KB) and After Care Allowance Guidelines (PDF, 183.6 KB) for information about assistance for those leaving statutory care.
If the young person will receive a trust fund payment or other assets on turning 18, see Preparing young people who will receive a large sum of money (PDF, 85.2 KB).
The following links provide information about financial support.
The Independent Living Allowance is a fortnightly payment to help with the cost of accommodation and other essential needs.
Young people are eligible for the Independent Living Allowance if they:
The Staying on Allowance is a fortnightly payment for carers who continue to look after young people after they turn 18, up to 21.
If young people wish to stay with their carer after 18, their carer may be eligible for the Staying on Allowance if:
Your Choice, Your Future - Flyer - Aboriginal (PDF, 980.6 KB) (PDF, 980.6 KB)
Your Choice, Your Future - Poster - Aboriginal (PDF, 1.6 MB) (PDF, 1.6 MB)
Your Choice, Your Future - Flyer - Arabic (PDF, 937.7 KB) (PDF, 937.7 KB)
Your Choice, Your Future - Poster - Arabic (PDF, 2.7 MB) (PDF, 2.7 MB)
Your Choice, Your Future - Flyer - Simplified Chinese (PDF, 962.0 KB) (PDF, 962.0 KB)
Your Choice, Your Future - Poster - Simplified Chinese (PDF, 3.9 MB) (PDF, 3.9 MB)
Your Choice, Your Future - Flyer - Dari (PDF, 1.0 MB) (PDF, 1.0 MB)
Your Choice, Your Future - Poster - Dari (PDF, 4.1 MB) (PDF, 4.1 MB)
Your Choice, Your Future - Flyer - Samoan (PDF, 974.1 KB) (PDF, 974.1 KB)
Your Choice, Your Future - Poster - Samoan (PDF, 4.6 MB) (PDF, 4.6 MB)
Your Choice, Your Future - Flyer - Vietnamese (PDF, 1.0 MB) (PDF, 1.0 MB)
Your Choice, Your Future - Poster - Vietnamese (PDF, 3.2 MB) (PDF, 3.2 MB)
The After Care Allowance (PDF, 183.6 KB) is available to young people who are in full time education or training and are at risk of homelessness. It provides short-term assistance to young people aged 21 to 24, for a period of three months, until a more permanent solution is found.
Transition to Independent Living Allowance (TILA) is a one-off payment of up to $1,500 to help young people aged 15 – 25 years get the best possible start when leaving out-of-home care. TILA is provided by the Australian Government Department of Social Services (DSS) and in NSW is administered by Southern Youth and Family Support (SYFS).
Caseworkers must apply on behalf of the young person using the NSW TILA application form (PDF, 575.5 KB) and sending it to SYFS via or fax 4240 4891.
The completed NSW TILA application form is sent to SYFS and they will gain approval for the TILA expenditure from DSS. Caseworkers do not need to contact DSS directly, instead all questions and applications must be sent to SYFS.
TILA helps young people achieve care plan goals. It can be used for a range of things, including:
Teenage Education Payment (TEP) – for those aged 16 to 17 years, up to $6,000 per year (paid in $1,500 quarterly instalments) to help foster and kinship carers to keep young people in their care at school or in training. Use it to pay for everyday school or training expenses as well as camps, excursions or additional tutoring.
Post care education financial support (PCEFS) for carers – for those aged 18 to 24 years to complete their NSW Higher School Certificate. Paid to the carer to maintain their current living and support arrangements. For more information read our Post Care Education Financial Support FAQsand Post Care Education Financial Support - Procedures for NGO providers (PDF, 127.8 KB).
Youth Allowance – financial help for 16 to 24 year olds studying, undertaking an Australian Apprenticeship, looking for work or sick. The allowance is available to those:
Eligible students, trainees and Australian Apprentices can receive financial help with everyday costs of living and some study expenses. Centrelink offers students 4 main payments:
Find out more about eligibility and other support for students.
Vocational Education and Training (VET) student loans - support for those studying certain diploma level and above vocational education and training qualifications. Eligible students are entitled for loans up to a capped amount.
Work Development Order - If a young person doesn’t have the money to pay a fine, they can ask to be issued with a WDO. Under a WDO, they can reduce their fine by doing unpaid work, or attending certain approved courses or programs.
National Debt Helpline – A not-for-profit service that helps people tackle their debt problems.
Salvos – The Salvos provide help with housing, job seeking, financial support, problem gambling, addiction and domestic violence.
Vinnies – Vinnies can help young people get around roadblocks to do with housing, finances, health support, food support and domestic violence.
14 Feb 2025