Communities and Justice

TEI Recommissioning 2025

Recommissioning Update – 13 November 2024

  • The Targeted Earlier Intervention (TEI) recommissioning and sector consultation process has been underway since April 2024. Your engagement and contribution to this part of the recommissioning process has been vitally important in improving the program and the wider early intervention service system.
  • The Minister has this week agreed to extend existing contracts and consultation by six months. This will allow alignment with Foundational Supports that are currently being designed with the Commonwealth Government to provide people with disability necessary supports outside the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
  • All TEI and Family Connect and Support (FCS) service providers with existing contracts will be extended (under current Program Specifications), for six months until 31 December 2025.
  • With the contract extension, new contracts under the TEI program are intended to be for 4.5-years, with the expectation that providers will improve job security outcomes, in line with the Government’s Secure Jobs and Funding Certainty election commitment.
  • Through the recommissioning process, the Minister intends to at least double ACCO investment from the 7.2% as at August 2023. Increased ACCO funding from within the existing TEI program budget is intended to be achieved with minimal disruption to frontline services.
  • The Final TEI Evaluation Report is undergoing approval and is on track for publishing before the end of December.
  • The draft TEI Program Specifications are being updated, following initial consultation with the sector. The next draft version is expected to be available on the DCJ website by the end of November, for further consultation. There will also be further sector and Peak engagement on the next version of the Program Specifications.

TEI Recommissioning

The NSW Government is committed to continuing to invest in early intervention programs that improve outcomes for vulnerable children, young people, families and communities.

DCJ is recommissioning the Targeted Earlier Intervention (TEI) and Family Connect and Support (FCS) programs with new 4.5-year contracts to commence from 1 January 2026. DCJ intends to merge TEI and FCS into one program from 1 January 2026. Therefore the recommissioning process will be referred to as TEI Recommissioning 2025.

TEI recommissioning will be undertaken within the context of several NSW and National priority reforms and initiatives, including:

  • the National Agreement on Closing the Gap
  • Family is Culture, the Independent Review of Aboriginal Children and Young People in Out of Home Care in NSW
  • Safe and Supported, the National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children.

DCJ is committed to working towards a 30% Aboriginal Community Controlled sector investment target in its early intervention programs. TEI recommissioning presents an opportunity to further work towards this target. 

Recommissioning Principles

The TEI recommissioning is driven by the following principles:

1. Aboriginal self-determination

  • Embed Indigenous Data Sovereignty and Governance principles.
  • Invest 30% of early intervention program funding with Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations.
  • Share decision-making and authority through service system co-design, and Aboriginal-led commissioning.
  • Embed Aboriginal Case Management Policy principles.

2. Flexible and holistic service system

  • Create a streamlined service system that is family and community focused.
  • Build a culturally safe service system.
  • Target resources to the greatest need.

3. Evidence informed practice approach

  • Use evidence to inform service design including data, practitioner expertise, client and community voice.
  • Drive evidence and data driven practice and decision-making.
  • Provide accessible data and evidence of what works.

4. Continuous improvement approach

  • Enhance sector workforce capabilities.
  • Support consistent and quality data for better planning.
  • Build the evidence of what works.

Download the TEI Recommissioning Principles (PDF, 99.5 KB)

Draft Aboriginal-led Commissioning Principles

Consultation on Aboriginal-led commissioning principles is underway. This section will be updated with content shortly.

Recommissioning Approach 2025

DCJ is recommissioning the TEI and FCS programs with new 4.5-year contracts commencing 1 January 2026.

Recommissioning is informed by sector feedback, evaluations, evidence reviews and implementation learnings.

TEI and FCS will be merged into one program from 1 January 2026, to streamline the programs and contracts. The newly combined TEI program will have three program activities:

  1. Community Strengthening
  2. Family Connect and Support
  3. Wellbeing and Safety

Recommissioning will target resources to the greatest need, with funding, where it becomes available, prioritised for investment with Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations. 

Recommissioning timeline 

  • April-July 2024 Understanding Need and Local Planning - Engage and collaborate with local stakeholders
  • June-September 2024 Local Service System Design - Design a local outcomes-focussed service system with the sector
  • Existing TEI and FCS contracts to be extended (under current Program Specifications), for six months from 1 July 2025 until 31 December 2025.
  • 2025 - Finalise and approve recommissioning planning; negotiate contracts and procurement.
  •  1 January 2026 - new contracts commence.

New program name

Earlier in 2024, we consulted with the sector on a new name for the combined TEI and FCS program.  

 A shortlist survey was sent via the TEI Inform for you to vote on your preferences. The results are currently being collated and considered. Please sign up to TEI Inform to receive updates.

Latest News and Updates

Please click on the link for the TEI News and Updates page to see the latest information on the TEI recommissioning, including the TEI Inform Newsletter.

Last updated:

20 Nov 2024