Communities and Justice

Key Family Preservation provider resources

Family Preservation Recommissioning

Universal Referral Form

  • URF Fact Sheet (PDF, 437.0 KB) – an overview of the URF and its purpose


New Child Protection laws – information for Family Preservation providers

In 2022, DCJ worked with key stakeholders to progress recommendations requiring changes to the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 (the Care Act) and other Acts. The Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment (Family is Culture) Act 2022 became law on 25 November 2022. Several changes commenced immediately, with the remaining needing to commence at a later time due to practice and systems-level change requirements.

On 12 October 2023, the Minister for Families and Communities approved for the remaining changes to commence on 15 November 2023. The changes include requirements for DCJ caseworkers and external providers with case management responsibility to make Active Efforts to reduce the risk of removal, to ensure children are able to live with family when they can’t live safely at home, and to support restoration.

Family preservation providers need to understand what Active Efforts is and how it is applied. Information can be found in this presentation (PDF, 195.0 KB)Further information on Family is Culture is on the DCJ webpage

Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS)

When a child is identified at risk of serious abuse or neglect, as defined in the Child Care Subsidy Minister’s Rules 2017 and where the Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) eligibility requirements are met, the child’s family/carer can request ACCS (child wellbeing) for that child. The ACCS provides a higher rate of subsidy and more hours of subsidised childcare. The ACCS is a separate payment to the Child Care Subsidy (CCS). Information on the Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) can be found on the Commonwealth Department of Education webpage

The Commonwealth Department of Education has advised that Family Preservation (FP) service providers can produce ACCS letters and provide third-party supporting evidence for families. FP service providers no longer need to make a request to DCJ.

Please contact for a FP service provider ACCS letter template, if needed.

FP service providers general enquiries in relation to the ACCS should be referred to:

Permanency Support Program Family Preservation (PSP-FP) contracts

Agencies funded by DCJ must operate in accordance with their contractual requirements, legislation and DCJ policies and guidelines. DCJ contracts for the provision of Permanency Support Services for PSP Preservation include:

  • the Funding Deed (PDF, 475.3 KB) - governs overall terms and conditions of the contractual agreement
  • the Permanency Support Program, Program Level Agreement (PDF, 205.5 KB) (Preservation) - governs the delivery of services for the Permanency Support Program
  • Schedules one (1) through to four (4) governs specific aspects of service delivery detailed below).
  1. Schedule 1 – Family Preservation Service Requirements (PDF, 561.0 KB)
  2. Schedule 2 – Family Preservation Performance and Outcomes Data Reporting (PDF, 281.3 KB)
  3. Schedule 3 – Family Preservation Payment Provisions (PDF, 247.6 KB)
  4. Schedule 4 – Family Preservation Legislation and Policies (PDF, 354.3 KB)

Further information

DCJ funded service providers - Find information on how we assist service providers with housing and homelessness, protecting children, family, domestic and sexual violence, community planning, disability inclusion, working with Aboriginal communities and legal help. 

Multi-systemic Therapy – Child Abuse and Neglect

Multisystemic Therapy for Child Abuse and Neglect (MST-CAN®) is an evidence-based program designed for children aged 6 – 17 and their families. Watch the Multi-Systemic Therapy video below to find out more about how the program works.

Functional Family Therapy - Child Welfare

Functional Family Therapy – Child Welfare (FFT-CW®) is a home-based treatment model that works with families where there has been physical abuse and, or neglect of a child aged 0-17.  Watch the Functional Family Therapy video to find out more about how the program works.


SafeCare is an evidence-based, behavioural skills training program for parents of children aged 0-5 years that are at risk of neglect or abuse. Watch the SafeCare video to find out more about how the program works.

Last updated:

23 Jul 2024