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The Aboriginal Case Management Policy spans the continuum of support, from targeted earlier supports delivered to families through to out-of-home care, restoration and leaving care supports. Across the continuum of support, services and practitioners are focused on delivering services aligned to family need, applying “downward pressure” with respect to identified risks (see Figure 1), diverting families from more intensive or intrusive interventions and strengthening supports to reduce risk of harm and promote healthy development.
Figure 1: Case management is intended to alter an otherwise linear trajectory (orange), through proactive efforts that divert families from statutory intervention (or promote restoration) (grey arrows), thereby reducing the risk and incidence of harm experienced by Aboriginal children and young people. As risk increases, a more intensive service response is required.
The Aboriginal Case Management Policy is complemented by Aboriginal Case Management Rules and Practice Guidance, providing practical guidance to practitioners about expectations, roles and responsibilities, and elements and operating functions across the continuum of support, aligned to three key levels:
The Aboriginal Case Management Policy, and upcoming Rules and Practice Guidance are aligned to the following enabling foundations:
Related child protection programs including intensive family based services, Brighter Futures and other intensive family preservation and restoration programs.
01 Mar 2023