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The NSW volunteering website supports and promotes volunteering across NSW. Volunteering enriches the lives of volunteers, strengthens local communities and benefits all of NSW.
The Department of Communities and Justice is responsible for implementing the NSW Volunteering Strategy 2020-2030. This strategy focuses on growing and valuing volunteering in NSW, while preparing the sector for the future.
The Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) is seeking your feedback on the Draft NSW Disability Inclusion Volunteering Guidelines, an initiative under the NSW Volunteering Strategy 2020-2030. The Guidelines are a free resource developed to support volunteer involving organisations to implement strategies that will improve the volunteering journey for people with disability.
The Guidelines have been designed as a flexible, adaptable tool for use across organisations of various sizes and are based on best practice in volunteering and disability inclusion. They are not intended to tell people with disability how to volunteer, but to help volunteer involving organisations to build capacity and improve inclusion of people with disability. The Guidelines are underpinned by three Pillars: Recruit, Retain and Recognise, and nine guiding principles which provide assistance when thinking about improvements organisations could make.
The draft Guidelines are available to view from the link below.
We’d like to hear from you around whether the Guidelines are useful for you and your organisation and if you think anything further should be included. Consultation questions to assist you when reviewing the Guidelines are available below.
Please email your feedback to the Volunteering team at by Friday 31 January 2025.
Draft NSW Disability Inclusion Volunteering Guidelines (PDF, 1.2 MB)
Consultation template (DOCX, 14.5 KB)
The NSW Volunteering Strategy 2020-2030 sets out a ten year plan for the NSW volunteering sector. Volunteering enriches the lives of volunteers, strengthens local communities and benefits all of NSW.
We would like to thank the sector, including peak bodies, individual volunteers, volunteer involving organisations and other NSW Government agencies, who all helped to develop this important strategy.
The strategy focuses on supporting the sector to attract and retain volunteers. This will ensure all people in NSW can contribute to their communities through volunteering, including people of all ages, people with disability and people from diverse cultural backgrounds.
The strategy highlights the need to recognise the vital contributions of volunteers and the impact of volunteering. NSW volunteers contribute valuable skills, time and energy to the NSW economy. They help to deliver important services that address the government’s priorities.
Volunteers feel happier, healthier and socially connected, while helping make their communities stronger. Everyone benefits from a strong and vibrant volunteering sector.
We also aim to invest in research and technology to demonstrate the value of volunteering and support the sector to be resilient, responsive and innovative.
Under the strategy, we will set a clear plan every two years. We will remain accountable to the volunteering sector by publishing a Report Card for this period.
We will also conduct a thorough evaluation of this strategy at the 5-year mark and again at completion to ensure we achieve what we set out to do.
10 Dec 2024