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On 31 July 2024, the NSW Government responded to the final report of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability.
The NSW Government response sets out a broad disability reform agenda for NSW that cuts across the Disability Royal Commission final report and the NDIS Review report. The response was developed through close national collaboration and consultation with people with disability.
The response includes the NSW Government’s positions on each of the Disability Royal Commission final report recommendations, along with an initial implementation plan for the first year.
Also provided is a summary of stakeholder engagement to inform the response.
Information on how NSW is progressing with its implementation of the Disability Royal Commission will be made available through public updates twice a year.
NSW collaborated with the Australian Government and other state and territory governments to develop a Joint Government Response. This was also released on 31 July 2024.
Auslan version of the NSW Government response to the Disability Royal Commission coming soon
Auslan version of the Implementation Plan coming soon
Auslan version of the Engagement Summary coming soon
12 Aug 2024