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Missed the live webinar? A captioned recording - external site is available to view now.
The LINKS Trauma Healing Service (LINKS) has been in operation in two locations (Greater Newcastle and Nepean Blue Mountains) since October 2017. LINKS involves multi-disciplinary teams delivering evidence-based treatment programs to children and young people in out-of-home care (OOHC). LINKS aims to:
OurSPACE provides specialist outreach therapeutic trauma support covering all of NSW for children and young people under the age of 15 years who live in foster care or kinship care and have experienced at least two placement changes in the previous six months.
An evaluation of LINKS was undertaken by the Parenting Research Centre and of OurSPACE by the Australian Childhood Foundation. In this FACSIAR Lunch and Learn, researchers from these organisations shared their findings from these evaluations, and lead clinicians from each service discussed the implications of the findings for their service. Elizabeth Hagarty (Director, Psychological & Specialist Services) provided details about the implications of these findings for DCJ Psychological & Specialist Services and talked about the ongoing work/success beyond the evaluation.
This webinar was chaired by Jessica Stewart (Executive Director, FACSIAR).
Dr Catherine Wade - Principal Research Specialist, Parenting Research Centre
Jane Davenport - Manager/Clinical Psychologist with the LINKS Trauma Healing Service
Download slides used in this presentation (PDF, 964.3 KB)
Joe Tucci - Chief Executive Officer, Australian Childhood Foundation, Chair, National Centre for Action on Child Sexual Abuse
Sue Buratti - Program Manager Therapeutic Services NSW, Australian Childhood Foundation
Download slides used in this presentation (PDF, 1.9 MB)
Elizabeth Hagarty, Director, Psychological & Specialist Services, Department of Communities and Justice
Contact: - external site
03 Feb 2025