Communities and Justice

Men's Behaviour Change Programs

Practice Standards for Men’s Behaviour Change Programs

The Practice Standards for Men’s Behaviour Change Programs (PDF, 261.4 KB) articulate the NSW Government’s expectations of MBCP providers. The Standards' objective is to provide guidance to ensure programs reflect good practice and are safe and effective in changing the behaviour of men that use violence. The Practice Standards replace the Minimum Standards for Men’s Behaviour Change Programs.

The Standards apply to all group programs for male perpetrators of domestic and family violence in NSW. This includes programs run by government agencies in a community or custodial setting. It also includes programs run by non-government organisations.

Compliance Framework for Men’s Behaviour Change Programs

The Compliance Framework for Men’s Behaviour Change Programs (PDF, 636.8 KB) provides guidance to program providers on how they will be assessed and may be registered as compliant with the Practice Standards.

Compliance Framework for Men's Behaviour Change Programs – Online Delivery Supplement

The Online Delivery Supplement (PDF, 314.9 KB) details further information and evidence required for registration of a program for online delivery. The purpose of the Online Delivery Supplement is to help providers think about the unique risks of online MBCP delivery and how this may impact the safety of victims and children, participants and facilitators, in a different way to a face to face program.

Registration for online delivery is only available to providers already registered for face to face service delivery, or those currently applying.

Men’s Behaviour Change Programs (MBCPs) are predominantly group-based programs and services that focus on working with men to enable them to recognise their violent behaviour and develop strategies to stop them from using violence.

MBCPs must be registered as compliant with the NSW Government's MBCP Practice Standards and Compliance Framework to receive funding or referrals from the NSW Government.

Men’s behaviour change network

Under the NSW Government’s Domestic and Family Violence Blueprint, the NSW Government is committed to expanding non-government community-based men’s behaviour change interventions and developing the capacity of the community-based men’s behaviour change sector.

In order to achieve this the NSW government funded the establishment of the Men’s Behaviour Change Network, an advisory body for effective ways of working with men to reduce domestic and family violence.

The Men’s Behaviour Change Network is made up of registered and provisionally registered men’s behaviour change providers and their practitioners. The Network meets every month and provides an opportunity for discussion, sharing information and ideas to develop better practice, and promote sector development. It also takes a lead role in developing and facilitating training for new and existing men’s behaviour change workers, and support groups to meet minimum practice standards set by the NSW Government.

Men's Behaviour Change Programs Evaluation Summary report (PDF, 772.9 KB) (PDF , 771.1 KB).

Organisations registered to provide Men's Behaviour Change Programs

Providers registered as compliant with the Practice Standards for Men's Behaviour Change Programs are listed in the table below.

The list sets out locations where organisations are registered as an MBCP, and where organisations are currently delivering an MBCP . 

For information on MBCPs operating in your area contact the Men's Referral Service on 1300 766 491 or 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732, or see support for men who use violence

Provider Registered Location(s) Service Delivery Location(s) Program name
Anglicare Nowra
Baptist Care Family and Counselling Services


Via online delivery


Facing Up MBCP 
CatholicCare Sydney Fairfield Fairfield Choosing Change
​Catholic Care Diocese Broken Bay Tuggerah


Back on Track
CatholicCare Wilcannia Forbes Bourke
Broken Hill (Central Darling)
Grenfell (Weddin LGA)
Nyngan (Bodan KGA)
Young (Hilltop LGA)


Centacare New England North West Gunnedah


​Disrupting Family Violence
​EveryMan Australia Queanbeyan Queanbeyan Working with the Man
Gawura Aboriginal Corporation ​Albion Park Albion Park ​BADV/CHANGEV
Housing Plus





Accountable Men
Kempsey Families Inc. Coffs Harbour
Nambucca Valley 
Nambucca Valley
Liberty Domestic and Family Violence Specialist Services  ​Port Macquarie Nil Engage2Change
Manning Support Services Forster
Taree Taking Responsibility
Men and Family Lismore
Tweed Heads
Tweed Heads
Mission Australia Central and Far West NSW Broken Hill
Central and Far West
Broken Hill
Central and Far West (Outreach)
Walgett (Outreach)
​Manin' Up
North East MBCP ​Albury  Albury MBCP
Plus Community Orange
​Commit and Change
Relationships Australia NSW

Lake Macquarie
Macquarie Park
Northern Beaches
Sydney CBD
Via online delivery

Sydney CBD
Taking Responsibility
Relationships Australia Canberra and Regions Wagga Wagga Wagga Wagga ​Taking Responsibility for Respectful Relationships
Settlement Services International and Relationships Australia NSW Fairfield (Arabic)
Toongabbie (Tamil)
Nil ​Building Stronger Families
​Warrina DFV Specialist Services Coffs Harbour Coffs Harbour Safer Futures

Please note this table is updated regularly. 

Application for Registration

To register as compliant with the Practice Standards, you must apply to the Department via the MBCP Self-Assessment Portal. This portal is hosted on Standards & Performance Pathway (SPP), the online compliance platform for Not-For-Profit and Non-Government organisations.

Please contact to discuss your applicatication. DCJ will provide a link to the MBCP Self-Assessment Portal when the proposed program is ready for assessment against the Practice Standards.

Please note there is an annual licence fee of $550 (exc. GST) to access this portal.

Application for registration in additional locations

Registered MBCP providers may apply to deliver their registered program in additional locations.

To do so, providers must ensure they meet the Practice Standards in each additional location and apply to the Department of Communities and Justice for variation to the registration. 

Refer to the factsheet (PDF, 102.3 KB)for additional information. 

Minimum Data Set

The Practice Standards for Men’s Behaviour Change Programs require MBCPs to collect data to support initial and ongoing compliance and to contribute to the evidence base for what makes a safe and effective MBCP.

This data is used by the NSW Government to oversee compliance with the Practice Standards and support improvements in practice and system delivery.

Contact us

The NSW Department of Communities and Justice is responsible for managing the implementation of the Practice Standards and the registration process.

To subscribe to updates or ask specific questions about the registration process please email us at: 

Last updated:

10 Jan 2025