Communities and Justice

PCMP - Rules and Practice Guidance

Expectations of DCJ and PSP providers in working together to deliver the PSP.

Download a print copy of the PCMP Rules and Practice Guidance (PDF, 1.0 MB).

The minimum expectations of DCJ and PSP providers in delivering the PSP.
Explains key terms and definitions used throughout the policy framework.
Powers & functions of PR exercised by DCJ. Primary case responsibility exercised by PSP providers.
DCJ and PSP roles and responsibilities
Supervising a placement, permanent placement hierarchy and Aboriginal child placement principle.
Requirements for transfer of case responsibility and interstate movement of children in OOHC.
Case planning to achieve a child's case plan goal
Recommended process for resolving disputes between DCJ and PSP providers.
Understand legal process and the role of PSP providers and DCJ during court proceedings.
Last updated:

27 Sep 2024