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DCJ worked in consultation with NSW Child, Family and Community Peak Aboriginal Corporation (AbSec), Association of Children’s Welfare Agencies (ACWA) and the Office of the Children’s Guardian (OCG) in planning the records implementation for the transfer of records, in accordance with legislative requirements under section 170 of the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998.
A sector-wide Records Management Forum was held on 27 April 2021, where planning for the sector was discussed. A video recording of the forum is available.
DCJ has commenced working with service providers on the transfer of their closed OOHC records relating to children and young people previously placed in their care, in accordance with the legislative requirements and as part of their implementation period. DCJ continues to work with the sector through their Contract Managers, to ensure the records are protected and returned in accordance with s.170 legislative requirements.
There is a dedicated Records Management Team within DCJ who are subject matter experts and can assist with your specific agency queries. Discussions on recordkeeping will occur in consultation with your agency’s DCJ Contract Manager and the DCJ Records Management Team.
For specific information about the records transfer, retrieval process or technical and logistical support, please contact our Records Management via E-mail:
30 Jan 2023