Communities and Justice

Out-of-home care and permanency services

Supporting providers to deliver OOHC and permanency services to children and families.

Adult woman playing with two children in a park

Our services

The Permanency Support Program (PSP) brings together government and non-government partners to work together in the best interests of children.

Learn about the Permanency Support Program (PSP) and access the PSP Learning Hub.
Permanency Case Management Policy Away from Placement, Critical Events, Safety in Care and more.
Program Level Agreements, service overview, package information, eligibility and inclusion criteria.
Learn about the permanent placement principles when finding permanent home options.
Aboriginal Case Management Policy (ACMP) policy statement, rules and practice guidance resources.
Link through to support resources for carers.
Intensive Therapeutic Care, Supported Independent Living, Therapeutic Home Based Care and more.
Information about Alternative Care Arrangements (ACAs) and STEP, ICM and IPA models.
Developing a leaving care plan and support services available for young people when they leave OOHC.
Find health support information including medical and dental consent tool.
Find educational assistance information for carers and young people to transition them from OOHC.
Find links to legal advice and support services and information on short term court orders.
Access ChildStory - a system bringing together a child's network of family, carers and caseworkers.
Contacts for Child and Family units, Permanency Coordinators, OOHC Health Coordinators and more.
Videos, factsheets, ProSpects newsletter, guides, infographics and links relating to PSP and OOHC.
Information and resources about guardianship and open adoption for children in out-of-home care.
Last updated:

05 Mar 2025