Communities and Justice

Reforming Temporary Accommodation Grant Program

The Homelessness Innovation Fund (HIF) will initially target the current demand and costs of temporary accommodation, as well as provide an opportunity for providers to bring forward their ideas for service reform and innovation.

$100 million has been allocated to the HIF, and $30 million has been allocated for 2024/25. Depending on the strength of applications, Homes NSW will consider increasing the 2024/25 budget if there is funding available to do so.

Under the HIF, organisations can apply for one-off grant funding. Some proposals may be funded by other mechanisms and processes available to Homes NSW where it makes sense to do that - the HIF is the vehicle to bring ideas forward.

Reforming Temporary Accommodation Grant Program


The objectives of the Reforming Temporary Accommodation Grant Program are to:

  • Reduce the cost, use and length of stay of clients in temporary accommodation.
  • Move away from commercial hotels and motels to temporary accommodation models being delivered by the sector.
  • Increase access to appropriate supports, particularly for people with complex needs, who are staying in temporary accommodation.
  • Encourage flexible and sustainable use of properties and support services over time when demand for temporary accommodation decreases.
  • Attract co-contributions from the sector.
    • Co-contributions could be in any form including case management support, land, properties, cash/equity, debt, tax concessions, philanthropic donations, reduced or avoided costs, or in-kind contributions. While the value and quantum of co-contributions will be one of the factors assessed, it will not be the only criteria. This is to ensure that both large and small organisations can equally participate.

Eligibility Criteria

The Reforming Temporary Accommodation Grant Program is open to all accredited Specialist Homelessness Services (SHS) and registered Community Housing Providers (CHPs) and Aboriginal Community Housing Providers (ACHPs) both through National or Local Scheme.

Consideration will be given to organisations who agree to achieve SHS accreditation and CHP who are in the process of registration.

Applications led by, or in partnership with Aboriginal providers will be highly regarded.

Note: Applications are not being sought for supported temporary accommodation services in Social Housing Management Transfer (SHMT) areas.

  • Organisations that are seeking to establish supported temporary accommodations in these areas are encouraged to work directly with the SHMT Community Housing Provider (CHP) in the area.
  • For more information about the SHMT LGAs and managing CHPs, please visit the NSW Government Management Transfer website.
  • For CHPs who operate SHMT areas, applications for supported temporary accommodation responses in your areas are welcome.


HIF grant program will remain open from 11 September until 30 April 2025. Organisations can apply at any time. Assessment process will be completed as per the following schedule:

  • Submitted applications received by 30 October 2024 will be comparatively assessed and announced in November 2024.
  • Submitted applications received by 14 February 2025 will be comparatively assessed and announced in March 2025.
  • Submitted applications received by 30 April 2025 will be comparatively assessed and announced in May 2025.

Homelessness Innovation Fund information recordings:

Last updated:

07 Mar 2025