Communities and Justice

NSW Primary Prevention Multi-Year Partnerships Grant Program

Three images of groups of people gathering, working, and playing sport together.

On 13 September 2024, the NSW Government launched its first Primary Prevention Strategy - Pathways to Prevention: NSW Strategy for the Prevention of Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence 2024-2028 (the Strategy). The Strategy sets out the framework to address the underlying beliefs and attitudes that tolerate and, in many cases, condone the use of violence against women and children.

In our research and community consultation, we have heard that longer-term, place-based partnerships are needed both to allow time for social change, measuring that change, and reaching whole-of-community saturation. Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) wants to measure the attitudinal changes of program participants towards issues of violence as well as related issues (e.g. gender inequality) over a period of three years to ensure the efficacy of the grant program as well as individual grantees.

The NSW Primary Prevention Multi-Year Partnerships (MYP) Grants Program Guidelines contains information to assist potential applicants with an overview of the MYP grant program, the application and assessment process, and other key requirements. It includes an overview of the Primary Prevention Strategy, information about the grant application process, eligibility criteria, assessment criteria, how the grants can and cannot be used, and reporting requirements.

This MYP grant program is a three-year program that will support organisations to deliver primary prevention of DSFV.

Two-stage - MYP Grant Program

The MYP Grant Program has been designed to be a two-stage process.

  • Stage 1: Expression of Interest (EOI) – This first stage will involve inviting organisations to submit applications to express their interest in the MYP Grant program.  All applications will be assessed against the eligibility criteria to determining whether they will be invited to Stage 2.
  • Stage 2: Full Grant Application – Eligible applicants from Stage 1 will be invited to submit a full application for assessment against the MYP grant program assessment criteria.

This is version 1 of the guidelines, revised guidelines will be posted when Stage 2 opens in February 2025.

Target group

This grant program is aimed at organisations or partnerships that are already undertaking primary prevention of family, domestic, and sexual violence in local, place-based settings. This grant is designed to support community-led, three-year initiatives with clear and actionable delivery plans across metro, rural, and regional NSW that engage a range of different communities and marginalised cohorts.

Funding amounts

One-off, time limited funding will be available for three-year projects.  The total amount of funding that is available for this grant program is $4.25 million for proposals of projects or initiatives to be delivered over Financial Year 2025-26, 2026-2027 and 2027-28.

  • The maximum funding value that can be applied for through this grant program is $500,000 over the three-year period.  Consideration may be given to applications that exceed the $500,000 limit.
  • The first instalment will be paid upon return of the fully executed Grant Funding Agreement. Applicants will be able to indicate their preferred quarter to receive funds in subsequent financial periods.
  • Payments are contingent on meeting reporting requirements.
  • DCJ may vary the distribution of packages depending on the number of funding applications submitted. DCJ may also offer successful applicants a package lower than the amount requested.

Eligible applicants

All applicants are required to meet the following eligibility criteria:

be an eligible legal entity located in NSW, including:

  • Local government organisations, including:
    • NSW local councils operating under the Local Government Act 1993 (LG Act)
    • Joint Organisations (s400O of the LG Act)
    • County Councils (s383 of the LG Act)
    • Regional Organisations of Councils (which are voluntary groupings of councils).
  • Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation (ACCO) – these Applicants will be required to provide documentation to support their ACCO status
  • Incorporated organisation registered and approved as a not-for-profit body by NSW Fair Trading. Not-for-profit organisations will be considered eligible, if they are:
    • incorporated organisations that are registered and approved as not-for-profit bodies by NSW Fair Trading
    • not-for profit companies limited by guarantee, registered in NSW (must have ACNC registration and/or DGR status)
    • Indigenous Corporations (must be registered with the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations)
    • NSW Local Aboriginal Land Councils
    • religious organisations operating in NSW
    • NSW non-government organisations established under their own Act of Parliament.
  • be able to enter into a grant funding agreement with Department of Communities and Justice
  • have an Australian bank account
  • have an Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • have appropriate insurance; this must include but is not limited to a minimum of $10 million Public Liability Insurance
  • address the NSW National Redress Scheme sanctions (included in this template),

Please note: Only eligible EOI applicants who are assessed and recommended will be invited to submit an application for the Stage 2 Full Grant Application assessment process.

Application process

Stage 1 – EOI application

Expressions of Interest open on 10 December 2024 and close on 18 February 2025.

We would like to hear from you about how your organisation could deliver under this grant program to prevent family, domestic, and sexual violence in your community.

In your EOI you will be required to:

  • Provide a broad outline of your initiative.
  • Address the grant program objectives.
  • Outline who will participate in the project.
  • Outline the short, medium and long-term outcomes of your project.
  • Detail your track record in similar projects.
  • Request a specific grant funding amount to deliver the project.

Please refer to Section 2, which may help with you drafting your application (see information on objectives and aims of the program).

If your organisation is found to be ineligible, we will let you know by email within 4 weeks of the closing date and your application will not proceed to Stage 2.

Stage 2 -Invited applicants only


Last updated:

20 Mar 2025