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The Disability Advocacy Futures Program (DAFP) 2024/25 Special Purposes and Projects (SP&P) and Sector Development (SD) Grant Program Guidelines (Guidelines) contain information to assist potential applicants to complete the application.
Grant applications must demonstrate how the proposed project will contribute to the development of the NSW disability advocacy sector and assist people with disability to actively engage in their communities, by meeting at least one of the program objectives below.
The DAFP 2024/25 SP&P and SD grant program has 3 key objectives:
The DAFP 2024/25 SP&P and SD funding focuses on all people with disability in NSW who need support to access NSW Government funded or provided services, whether or not they are NDIS participants. Where relevant, it may also target and prioritise specific communities and disability types.
One off funding amounts will be available under the categories totalling up to $1,000,000 for this program, including:
17 Feb 2025