Communities and Justice

NSW Engagement and Support Program

The NSW Department of Communities and Justice’s Engagement and Support Program (ESP) a voluntary, consent-based program that aims to assist individuals to make positive changes that limit their risk of involvement in violent extremism.

Our dedicated ESP case managers work with people who may be vulnerable to violent extremism to build protective factors and develop a positive sense of identity, belonging and self-worth. They help clients to:

  • Plan goals based on individual risks, needs, circumstances and strengths
  • Access programs and services to address these goals, including linking to education, employment, and mental health support
  • Connect with positive social and community support
  • Work with other government and non-government agencies to access services required as part of each client’s individual case plan

Participation in the ESP is voluntary, and we respect the privacy of our clients.

Case Management

Each client is assigned a case manager, who works with them to set goals with the aim of limiting their risk of participating in violent extremism. A senior psychologist also works closely with the case manager to provide regular advice, tailored to each client. The ESP may also support the families and relevant associates of participants.

Each client’s case plan details the services and activities put in place to help them reach their goals.  The plan is designed to provide support in various areas of the client’s life, including arranging tailored mental health and social support.

The ESP is not a ‘de-radicalisation’ program. It does not directly attempt to alter political, religious, or ideological beliefs of an individual. Rather, the ESP provides a range of tailored support services that aim to reduce the influence of violent extremism.


The ESP is delivered by the NSW Department of Communities and Justice, and forms part of the national ‘Living Safe Together’ program. Client case management is supported by a panel of representatives from government agencies who provide specialist advice from divisions across the Department of Communities and Justice in the areas of Child Protection, Corrective Services and Community Corrections, and Youth Justice.  The panel also includes representatives from NSW Police, the NSW Department of Education and NSW Health.

The program is funded by the Commonwealth government as part of the Living Safe Together Intervention Program and NSW Government within its countering violent extremism strategy.


Individuals who you may think are at risk can be referred to the program by government and non-government organisations. The program is open to those showing an interest in the use of violence for social change and, in certain cases, those who may have previously engaged in violent extremist behaviour. The program is open to clients aged 10 years and over. Involvement in the program has no set time limit, and clients can participate more than once.

Download the ESP Referral Form (PDF, 167.7 KB) and email to and we'll be in touch as soon as possible. 

Reference Guide (PDF, 483.3 KB) is also available, which provides further guidance on how to complete the Referral Form.

Contact us

Contact us now to assess eligibility or to ask any questions by calling 1800 203 966 or via email at


Last updated:

30 Jan 2025