Communities and Justice

Decision-making and capacity learning module

Welcome to the decision-making and capacity learning module.

Meet Keith, Sarah, Hing and Menka. They will act as your guides through the module as you uncover information about decision-making ability and legal capacity.

The module is for general information purposes only and is not legal advice.

It will take about 30 minutes to read through the module.

To begin, select the 'Chapter 1: Introduction' card below or click into the other chapters if you are looking for specific information.

Cartoon image of Keith, Sarah, Hing and Menka smiling. All four are wearing work attire. Keith is wearing a doctors coat and a stethoscope around his neck.
Explore everyday decision-making.
Learn about the presumption of decision-making ability.
Discover the relationship between legal and mental capacity.
Learn about decision-making and dignity of risk.
Explore the factors that affect our decision-making ability.
Review the key concepts you've learnt about in this module.
Last updated:

27 Nov 2024