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Last published on 17 Jan 2022
The Annual Progress Report highlights the activity undertaken by the NSW Government to implement the recommendations of the Royal Commission and reflects the Government's ongoing commitment to keep children and young people safe.
Throughout 2021, NSW continued to implement major reforms to prevent and respond to child sexual abuse and support survivors.
Highlights in the 2021 Annual Progress Report include:
As the NSW Government continues to implement its response to the recommendations of the Royal Commission, there may be further changes to the way that DCJ carries out its work. These changes will be incremental to allow everyone time to adapt to new systems, practices and policies.
DCJ will continue to work with other NSW government agencies, the Australian Government, other state and territory governments and non-government organisations to progress this important work in 2022. DCJ staff will be kept informed about developments, including the residential care workers register and Child Safe Scheme.
A final update on implementation of the NSW Government response to the Royal Commission's recommendations will be provided in December 2022.
If you have any questions in relation to the Annual Progress Report or the implementation of the NSW Government response to the Royal Commission's recommendations please email
17 Jan 2022