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Friday, 16 February 2024
A statutory review of the Coroner’s Act tabled in the NSW Parliament found that the broad policy objectives of the Act remain valid.
The Statutory Review of the Coroners Act 2009 provides for updates to the Act in line with modern coronial practice, creating efficiencies in the coronial process and examined ways to improve the experiences of families following the death of a loved one.
The Department of Communities and Justice undertook the Statutory Review on behalf of the Attorney General. The Department consulted the Chief Magistrate of the Local Court of NSW, State Coroner, NSW Police Force, Ministry of Health and the then Department of Premier and Cabinet and the more recently established Cabinet Office while conducting the review.
The Department also consulted with external stakeholders and invited written submissions on a Draft Review and Supplementary Discussion Paper in June 2023.
Attorney General Michael Daley said the report’s recommendations would now be considered by the Government.
Quotes from Attorney General Michael Daley:
“Coroners perform an important role in our community by ensuring deaths and suspected deaths occurring in circumstances of public interest are properly investigated.
“During this process, coroners may identify lessons that can be learned from deaths and make recommendations for the future benefit of the community.
“People come into contact with the coronial system during some of the most traumatic times of their lives. The coronial jurisdiction and its staff work hard to respect and ease the emotional distress of those in contact with it and this report provides further thoughtful consideration about this aspect of the process.
“In their independent, objective and fair search for the truth in these matters, coroners assist bereaved members of our community with gaining an understanding of the circumstances surrounding a death.”
19 Feb 2024