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Sunday, 3 March
The NSW Government will transform disused homes at a former residential centre for people with disabilities into accommodation for people experiencing homelessness.
Homes NSW is leading the $2 million ‘meanwhile use’ proposal for the Stockton Centre that will refurbish seven homes at the former Stockton Centre in Newcastle to provide temporary accommodation for up to 25 people.
This delivers on a commitment to investigate the temporary use of the former Stockton Centre for short-term accommodation to help drive down homelessness in the Hunter region.
Transforming underutilised property into transitional housing is of the many ways the NSW Government is working to confront the housing crisis and help get people into safe, long-term accommodation.
Properties to be upgraded include five five-bedroom homes, one two-bedroom unit and one one-bedroom unit.
The project will be delivered in partnership with leading social and affordable housing provider, Home In Place.
Homes NSW is exploring different options for the long-term future use of the site.
The homes and services are expected to become operational in approximately eight months, noting the site needs work to ensure the security and safety of the temporary residents, provide essential amenities and ensure the houses meet the standard appropriate for transitional housing needs.
With more than 55,000 people on the waitlist for social housing, and close to 2000 on the list in Newcastle and Port Stephens region alone, the NSW Government will continue explore every option to expedite the delivery of more homes.
04 Mar 2024