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4 June 2024
The NSW Government working to raise awareness and understanding about coercive control, with a new campaign to support Aboriginal communities beginning today.
The “Real Lubly” campaign includes a suite of new resources to support conversations about healthy and harmful behaviours in relationships, especially to increase awareness of coercive control among Aboriginal young people and communities.
The new campaign was developed in consultation with community members and the First Nations Coercive Control Reference Group that provides advice to the Coercive Control Implementation and Evaluation Taskforce.
The campaign was designed by an Aboriginal-owned creative agency and will be delivered through trusted voices including partner organisations and campaign ambassadors, Bianca Hunt, Tom Forrest and Connor Watson.
Coercive control can manifest in many ways. It is a pattern of abusive behaviour that aims to control a person, which may include financial abuse, threats against pets or loved ones, tracking someone’s movements, or isolating them from friends and family.
The need to support community awareness of coercive control, including specific support for Aboriginal people, was recommended by the Joint Select Committee on Coercive Control.
The campaign includes short videos starring well-known Aboriginal personalities discussing relationships and how to identify healthy and harmful behaviours. The videos are aimed at engaging young people in the conversation so they can spot the signs of coercive control early.
A quiz exploring healthy behaviours and the signs of coercive control in intimate partner relationships, and a yarning guide to support conversations about coercive control, will also be shared with Aboriginal communities online and in-person.
Unique artwork by Aboriginal artist Lakkari Pitt will feature on printed and digital materials. The artwork symbolises healthy connections, mutual respect in a relationship, and kinship systems.
The First Nations campaign follows a broad advertising campaign featuring the tagline “It’s not love, it’s coercive control” and a separate in-language campaign specifically for culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) audiences.
NSW is the first Australian jurisdiction to introduce a standalone dedicated offence of coercive control.
The Crimes Legislation Amendment (Coercive Control) Act 2022 will criminalise coercive control in current or former intimate partner relationships in NSW starting from 1 July 2024. If found guilty, perpetrators can face up to a maximum of seven years in prison.
NSW Police are undergoing training to recognise and respond to the complex and nuanced signs of coercive control, particularly in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and culturally and linguistically diverse communities, to ensure they are prepared for the commencement of the offence.
A free training program will also be delivered to approximately 1,000 specialist domestic and family violence workers and will cover behavioural indicators, practical interventions, and how coercive control may be experienced in different communities.
Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Jodie Harrison said:
“Coercive control is abusive behaviour that can be overlooked, excused, or not recognised as harmful.
“These behaviours can start at any time in a relationship, and begin or continue after a relationship has ended.
“New coercive control laws come into effect from 1 July and it’s important diverse communities across NSW can recognise coercive control and understand how dangerous it is.”
Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Treaty David Harris said:
“It is critical that we respond to the impacts of coercive control on Aboriginal people.
“This campaign is an important step. It is not a top-down government advertising campaign, it has been developed by and with Aboriginal people.
“By working with Aboriginal community leaders and creative specialists, we are targeting our messaging to help empower Aboriginal people to identify and respond to coercive control.”
Support Services
If you or someone you know are in immediate danger, call the Police on Triple Zero / 000.
For confidential advice, support, and referrals, contact 13 YARN on 13 92 76.
05 Jun 2024