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23 October 2024
The NSW Government and the Public Service Association (PSA) have signed a reform agreement to deliver an immediate $8,283 pay increase for new caseworkers and improve rates of pay, roles and conditions for the state’s child protection workforce.
The agreement covers more than 2,000 public sector caseworkers who do one of the most important jobs in the state, keeping vulnerable children safe.
Under the reform agreement:
This agreement delivers on a promise by the NSW Government to better support the vital work caseworkers do and consigns the former Coalition government’s punitive public sector wages cap to history.
The NSW Government is also undertaking significant structural reform of the child protection system following years of neglect under the former government.
The government will ban the use of unaccredited emergency accommodation for vulnerable children in the foster care system from March next year, with the government already achieving a 72 per cent reduction in the number of these arrangements since November 2023.
The 2024-25 NSW Budget has invested $224 million in funding that will allow the Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) to:
These initial measures will help rebuild the broken out-of-home care system and ensure that more children grow up in safe and loving homes in NSW.
Minister for Families and Communities, Kate Washington said:
“Child protection caseworkers have one of the most challenging and important jobs in the world, keeping vulnerable children safe.
“When we came into government, we inherited a broken child protection system with a workforce walking out the door because they hadn’t felt valued in years.
“I have seen firsthand the incredible difference these workers make to children and families, and I hope that this agreement will encourage more caseworkers to take up positions with DCJ.
“I thank the PSA and their hardworking members for their advocacy and commitment to keeping children in NSW safe.”
23 Oct 2024