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Friday, 10 November 2023
The NSW Domestic Violence Helpline (DV Line) is this year marking thirty years of service.
Commencing in 1993, the NSW DV Line is a government-funded 24/7 helpline which provides a dedicated service for women escaping violence. Services include crisis counselling, support and referrals to refuges and other services.
In the past year, the DV Line received approcimately 18,000 calls from women across New South Wales.
Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Jodie Harrison said:
“The NSW Domestic Violence Helpline is a crucial support service for women and their children escaping domestic violence.
"We know that domestic and family violence crosses the boundaries of age and culture, so a tailored approach to helping victim-survivors ensures they get the right support.
“As a government we are committed to taking meaningful action to prevent domestic violence across our state, however, DV Line is a vital resource for those who do experience domestic and family violence.
“The DV Line empowers callers to explore options and make informed choices, helping them find safety and independence.
A Victim-Survivor of Domestic Violence who utilised DV Line, said:
“The DV Line staff helped me to feel heard and supported me to stay safe.
“They told me about my options and empowered me to make my own choices.”
Women who are currently experiencing, or who have experienced, domestic violence can call the DV Line on 1800 65 64 63, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
Staff and sector partners will mark the anniversary with an event highlighting the outstanding advocacy and service of individual staff.
10 Nov 2023