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Last published on 16 Jan 2020
People with disability, carers, service providers and peak bodies are being encouraged to help shape NSW disability legislation, to ensure it’s relevant and fit-for-purpose under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
Minister for Families, Communities and Disability Services Gareth Ward released a discussion paper today to kick-start consultation on the Disability Inclusion Act 2014 review, highlighting the changing landscape of disability services in Australia.
“Under the NDIS, more than 40,000 people in NSW are receiving disability supports for the first time, but the reality is that the State’s roles and responsibilities when it comes to service delivery have changed significantly,” Mr Ward said.
“The discussion paper considers the changing landscape of disability services and how NSW can do more to not only support people with disabilities, but break down barriers and help transform their lives for the better.
“I want to see a greater focus on employment for people with disabilities and wider promotion of Disability Inclusion Action Plans in both the government and non-
government sectors.”
The Disability Inclusion Act 2014 established Disability Inclusion Action Plans (DIAP), now adopted by all government agencies and the State’s 128 councils.
The review will explore how DIAPs are working and ways to improve them. People can have their say on the discussion paper online or during face-to-face workshops, which will be held in February and March.
There will be two workshops in Sydney, two in regional NSW and a consultation session with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community in Dubbo.
All survey responses, written submissions and feedback from the workshops must be submitted by 5pm Monday, 30 March 2020.
To read the discussion paper or provide feedback, visit Have your say
Download Media Release: Have your say on disability inclusion (PDF , 160.0 KB)
13 Apr 2023