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Attorneys-General* are pleased to release the Legal Profession National Law for the information of consumers and the legal profession:
The draft legislation has been developed following a comprehensive period of consultation. The National Legal Profession Taskforce received 162 submissions on its consultation proposals, conducted detailed stakeholder briefings, and held meetings with the profession, regulators, Attorneys-General and Chief Justices in each jurisdiction. The Taskforce also undertook an intensive consultation with consumers.
Since the National Law was last released by COAG in December 2010, the National Justice CEOs approved a number of amendments to the National Law to address concerns raised. An explanation of the key amendments made to the National Law is set out in the report below:
The objectives of national legal profession reforms include:
The policy settings in the National Law have been agreed by COAG. However, technical drafting amendments may be made to the National Law prior to its introduction in the host jurisdiction. In addition, it has been agreed that the draft Legal Profession National Rules will be submitted to the National Legal Services Board to review and make, in consultation with stakeholders, prior to the commencement of the national scheme.
Please direct all enquiries about the reforms in writing to the Secretary of the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General at GPO Box 6 SYDNEY NSW 2001.
* Attorneys-General of NSW, Northern Territory, Queensland, Tasmania, Victoria and the Commonwealth.
Information on the background to the reforms is available on the Background to the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) National Legal Profession Reform page.
Information on the consumer aspects of the reforms is available on the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) National Legal Profession Reform and consumers page.
For more information on the consultation package and past documents issued by the National Legal Profession Reform Taskforce please visit the Document Library.
Following the passing of legislation in NSW and Victoria to apply the Uniform Law, the Legal Services Council has been established. Information and the opportunity to comment on the new laws and rules can be found on the Legal Services Council website.
31 Aug 2023