Communities and Justice

About mediation

Community Justice Centres (CJC) provides free mediation services throughout NSW.

Mediation is an informal, problem-solving process in which an impartial person (a mediator) helps people with a dispute come together to reach an agreement everyone can live with. Thousands of people use mediation services every year to talk about their disputes and reach a solution.

CJC mediation is run by impartial, trained mediators. The mediators don't take sides, or make a decision about a dispute. Their role is to make sure each person has a chance to have their say, keep the discussion on track, and help you come to an agreement wherever possible. CJC mediation:

  • Is free.
  • Has no waiting lists.
  • Is held in a venue near you.
  • Lets everyone have their say.
  • Is confidential.
  • Is more likely to preserve the relationships of the people involved in the conflict.

"I found both the mediators very understanding. They both had an enormous amount of patience in the mediation process."

Last updated:

15 Oct 2024