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One of our staff will contact the client to:
Where mediation is appropriate, our staff will contact the other person or people and encourage them to participate in a mediation session. When all parties have consented, our staff will schedule a mediation session for a time, date and place that is convenient for everyone. We will normally allocate two mediators to the session.
The law prevents us from providing referrers (other than courts) with any information about a mediation session. We can only disclose information to referrers if all people attending the mediation consent to the disclosure.
If you would like more information about the benefits of CJC mediation, please contact us — we're very happy to discuss our process with you and answer any questions you have.
Attending mediation is voluntary (unless there is a court order to mediate) and encouragement and reassurance can inform a person's decision to take up an opportunity to mediate. People can leave mediation at any time if they do not want to continue.
You may wish to explain the options available, including the advantages of mediation. Your information and encouragement may help a person take up the opportunity to mediate. Many people are initially reluctant and can benefit from hearing about the advantages of mediation from several sources in order to help their decision process.
15 Oct 2024