Communities and Justice

Becoming a CJC mediator

What qualifications do CJC mediators need?

Before being considered for appointment as a CJC mediator, an applicant must:

  • Be accredited, or eligible for accreditation, under the National Mediator Accreditation System.    
  • Demonstrate an understanding of and commitment to the philosophy of mediation as practised by CJC.

The Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Directorate is a Recognised Mediator Accreditation Body and accredits CJC mediators. To find out more about National Accreditation, please see the ADR Directorate. See also the Practice Alert on National Accreditation and the Practice Alert on Continuing Professional Development.

How are CJC mediators chosen?

CJC aims to have a panel of mediators that broadly represent a cross-section of the community. CJC takes into consideration the mediator's location, availability, background and any specific program needs.

Currently, CJC is not accepting any expressions of interest. If you would like to go on an email distribution list for future recruitment information, please email:

What are the terms and conditions of appointment of a CJC mediator?

CJC will use the services of its mediators only when required. There is no guarantee of when or how often mediators will be asked to provide services.

The Public Sector Employment and Management Act 2002 (NSW) does not apply to the appointment of a CJC mediator.

What is the likely income of a CJC mediator?

The current rate of payment is $41.60 per hour. CJC mediators are paid a minimum of two hours for each attendance for a mediation session. Up to one hour is paid for briefing and debriefing time (in addition to time actually spent mediating).

CJC does not guarantee any amount of work. The amount of work able to be offered depends upon the:

  • NSW case load.
  • Availability of the mediator.
  • Flexibility of the mediator.
  • Special skills of the mediator.
  • Size of the mediator panel.

Last updated:

15 Oct 2024