Communities and Justice

Inquest into the deaths of Mona Lisa and Jacinta Smith

Case Number: 2022/27663

Findings Date: 23 April 2024

Magistrate: Teresa O'Sullivan

CORONIAL LAW | Aboriginal; First Nations; Wakamurra; Muruwari; Kunya; Bourke; Enngonia; single vehicle collision; rollover; inquest resumed; s.79 Coroners Act; colonisation; racism; Police Guidelines for the review of investigations relating to deaths, Police training


Commissioner of the NSW Police Force

1. That the Commissioner of the NSW Police Force develop guidelines for the review of investigations relating to deaths that are the subject of a request for advice from the NSW Attorney General to the Commissioner of the NSW Police Force, where the Attorney General is considering an application for the holding of a fresh or further inquest into the death/s.

Such guidelines should include:

a) the methodology of the review;

b) transparency of the review process;

c) the involvement of any experts (including independent experts as required); and

d) consultation with the family of the deceased.

In formulating the guidelines, the standard operating procedures applicable to the review of homicide investigations should be considered and applied as appropriate.


Recommendations to Response
Commissioner of the NSW Police Force Received
Last updated:

22 Oct 2024