Communities and Justice

The Magistrates Early Referral into Treatment (MERIT) Program

What is the MERIT Program?

MERIT is a 12-week voluntary treatment program if you have issues with alcohol or drug use and are facing charges in the Local Court. The program offers alcohol and other drug treatment while your court matters are adjourned. MERIT aims to improve your health and wellbeing and reduce your contact with the criminal justice system. Since starting in 2000, MERIT has helped over 27,000 people in NSW.

Benefits of MERIT include:

  • reducing the harms of alcohol and other drug use
  • reducing offending
  • improving your health and wellbeing
  • access to health support
  • the possibility of a better sentence outcome. 

MERIT is available at 75 Local Courts in NSW. See if MERIT is in your area.


To take part in MERIT, you have to be referred. The Local Court, your solicitor, a police officer, family or friend can refer you, or you can refer yourself. To refer yourself or someone else contact MERIT on 1800 250 015.

You may be eligible for MERIT if you:

  • are appearing in the Local Court with charges
  • aren’t charged with sexual offences
  • are 18 years or over
  • are released on bail or in the community
  • have an alcohol or other drug problem
  • live in or have a connection to an area where MERIT is available
  • agree to take part.

If you are assessed as eligible for MERIT, the Local Court will decide if you can start the program.

How MERIT works

If accepted into MERIT, your court matter will be put on hold. A MERIT team will work with you to decide the best treatment and support that suits you. This may include:

  • individual or group counselling
  • detox
  • opioid substitution therapy, like methadone or buprenorphine (bupe)
  • residential rehabilitation
  • other health support services, like a dentist.

During MERIT you'll be asked to:

  • come to appointments for 12 weeks
  • follow your bail conditions
  • work towards treatment goals
  • appear at court.

While the MERIT team will do what they can to support you, you can withdraw from program at any time. You can also be removed if you don’t meet MERIT conditions. If you don’t complete the program, your court matter will continue as if you didn’t start the program. You won’t be punished for not completing it.

If you complete MERIT:

  • your matter will be heard at court
  • the court will get a final report about how you did in the program
  • you might be given some contacts to continue your rehabilitation. 

More information

Last updated:

12 Mar 2025