Communities and Justice

Homelessness Innovation Fund (HIF)

The NSW Government’s 2024/25 Budget is providing $527.6 million in extra funding over four years for frontline homelessness services as part of the record $6.6 billion investment Building Homes for NSW program. This once in generation investment will fund new social housing properties, improve maintenance of public housing and boost homelessness support services.

The Homelessness Innovation Fund

The $527.6 million investment into homelessness is an important first step in moving from a crisis-driven system to more preventative approaches, localised planning and expanding evidence-based practices. Of this funding, $100 million has been allocated to establish a Homelessness Innovation Fund.

The Homelessness Innovation Fund (HIF) will initially target reducing the current demand and costs of temporary accommodation, and proposals for service reform and innovation.

The HIF provides an opportunity for the sector to apply for one-off grant funding to support better responses to homelessness. This includes new cost-effective temporary accommodation responses that move us away from hotel and motel accommodation. 

The HIF will also support organisations looking to:

  • reconfigure service delivery
  • increase accommodation options 
  • trial new service approaches
  • invest in targeted early intervention or prevention responses.      

The fund is open to accredited homelessness services, registered Community Housing Providers (CHPs) and Aboriginal Community Housing Providers (ACHPs) or those on the pathway to achieving accreditation or registration.

In September, the first two grant programs under HIF were open. Around $30 million has been provisionally allocated for 2024/25, and the first two grant programs are: 

Funding priorities for the HIF for 2025/26 and beyond will be announced later in 2024/25.

For more information:

Please contact the Homelessness Program Management team via email

Media releases:
Last updated:

18 Dec 2024