Communities and Justice

How to tell us about secondary employment (Easy Read)

Icon of a computer screen.




You can use our online form to ask or tell us about your secondary employment.  

Icon of a pointer with red lines surrounding it, emphasizing the pointer's direction.





If you work with us you can find the form on our staff website.  

Two colleagues having a discussion.





You should also talk to your manager or supervisor.

Image of a woman holding a document, with an icon of a text box above her displaying a tick and a cross.




Your manager or supervisor will:

  • check your form
  • let you know what they decide about your secondary employment
  • give you a plan with rules to follow.
Two men engaged in a discussion, with a cross icon inside a text box positioned between them.





If you don’t agree with our decision, you can contact our People Business Partner.

You can ask your manager or supervisor about how to contact our People Business Partner.

Last updated:

06 Dec 2024