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Last published on 07 Jan 2020
Minister for Families, Communities and Disability Services Gareth Ward and Minister for Regional Youth Bronnie Taylor today announced Zoe Robinson has been appointed Acting Advocate for Children and Young People (ACYP).
Mr Ward said Ms Robinson is a passionate advocate and will begin on January 9.
“The ACYP promotes the wellbeing of kids across the state by engaging with them and encouraging their participation in decisions that affect their lives,” Mr Ward said.
“Ms Robinson has undertaken a range of leadership roles across multiple sectors, including as CEO of NSW peak body for youth homelessness, Yfoundations, and is a fitting person to lead the ACYP.”
The NSW Government thanks outgoing Children’s Advocate Andrew Johnson for his efforts to promote the wellbeing of children and young people in NSW.
Mrs Taylor said since Mr Johnson’s appointment in 2015 he has developed the State’s first strategic plan and published multiple reports on children and young people. Mr Johnson has also promoted participation and engagement through a host of initiatives including Children’s Parliament and the Regional Youth Taskforce.
“Mr Johnson has been tireless in his work having held 30,000 consultations with children and young people across the state, with 10,000 of those being face to face,” Mrs Taylor said.
“It has been his engagement and facilitation of the inaugural Regional Youth Taskforce that I have found particularly significant and we wish him all the best with his future.”
The NSW Government will undertake a selection process for a permanent position.
The Advocate for Children and Young People is an independent statutory office reporting to the NSW Parliament through the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Children and Young People.
Download Media Release: Ministers welcome new Children's Advocate (NSW) (PDF , 370.9 KB)
13 Apr 2023