Communities and Justice

Best Practice Standards for working with people with a cognitive impairment

Directorate: Justice Strategy & Programs

Division: Strategy Policy & Commissioning

Project summary

Development, distribution and application of best practice principles for working with people with cognitive impairment.

Focus Area: 

  • Developing positive community attitudes and behaviours.
  • Improving access to mainstream services through better systems and processes.

Project objective

Assurance that people with a cognitive impairment are supported and provided with tailored support when interacting with DCJ:

  • Development of a tool which outlines best practice principles for DCJ programs, policies and services to align with when working with people with a cognitive impairment
  • Embedded practices and strategies across the Department to improve responses to people with a cognitive impairment

The challenge

Provision of an increased understanding across the justice sector to identify and respond to the needs of people with a cognitive impairment.

Why is this important?

  • People with a cognitive impairment are over-represented in the criminal justice system
  • There is no minimum standards currently in place that hold agencies accountable when responding to the needs of this cohort – who are frequently overlooked across DCJ
  • Agencies will have a benchmark to meet to allow for inclusive and equitable access for people with a cognitive impairment

The proposed project aligns with the following outcome areas for the DIAP:

  • Attitudes & Behaviours (removing barriers by changing the way we interact with people with disability. Strategies in this area are often training)
  • Accessible Systems & Processes

What will success look like?

Agencies aligning their policies with the best practice standards

  • Improved outcomes for people with a cognitive impairment when in contact with the Stronger Communities cluster
  • Improved understanding of cognitive impairment and disability across the Cluster

How will you measure success?

Annual reviews across agencies, ensuring they align their programs and policies with best practice standards

Status report

Current Status: Cancelled


Status Notes:

The team had discussions with the Child and Family Directorate last August. It came to the teams attention that former Families and Communities Services (FACS) and Justice areas had some overlap in this area. Based on this, both projects were reviewed and the Disability Accessibility and Inclusion Guidelines provides advice on best practice when drafting policy for people with Cognitive Impairment. Based on this our project would only duplicate therefore the work was ceased. 

The project was also considered at a time where the funding for Justice Advocacy Service (JAS) was in question and this would have filled a capacity building gap - however in April 2022 the JAS contract was extended until 2025. 

June 2022 - The guidelines have been drafted, pending Director approval. Informal consultation to occur with key subject matter experts prior to formal consultation with key stakeholders.

May 2021 - Milestones completed - Scope, identify stakeholder research/literature review, draft guidelines

Status Explanatory Note:

Status reports provided:

Last updated:

08 Mar 2024