Communities and Justice

Review of the Disability Inclusion Act

Thanks for having your say. This review closed on 30 March 2020. A report was tabled in the NSW Parliament.

As a result of the review, the Disability Inclusion Act 2014 was amended on 1 July 2022.

The changes to the Act include:

  • The State Disability Inclusion Plan and public authority disability inclusion action plans must be reviewed and remade every four years. 
  • The State Disability Inclusion Plan and public authority disability inclusion action plans must be made available in one or more formats accessible to people with disability. 
  • The NSW Ombudsman's function to review the deaths of people with disability, and oversight of reportable incidents in supported group accommodation, are repealed, as the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission are now responsible for these.
  • LGBTIQ+ people with disability are included in the section of the Act which requires the addressing of particular group needs and consultation.
  • The Department of Communities and Justice must consult with people with disability, the Disability Council and disability advocacy organisations in preparing the State Disability Inclusion Plan.
  • The State Disability Inclusion Plan must not form part of another document.


Read the Department of Communities and Justice Statutory review of the NSW Disability Inclusion Act 2014: Report of the review of the Act and recommendations for amendments (PDF , 828.5 KB)

Discussion paper

We’ve prepared a discussion paper on the review. It gives you an overview of each part of the Act. Find out more on the Discussion paper page


You can view or download the discussion paper in English, Easy Read English, multiples languages and in Auslan on the Translations page.

Last updated:

15 Sep 2022