Communities and Justice

Office of the Department Secretary Disability Inclusion Action Plan

Directorate: Office of the Deputy Secretary (ODS), Enterprise Strategy and Governance

Division: Corporate Services

Project summary

Focus Area:

  • Developing positive community attitudes and behaviours

Project objective

ODS will develop a stand-alone ODS DIAP with actions for improving inclusiveness of ODS BAU activities.

Why is this important?

Developing a DIAP designed for and by the Office of the Deputy Secretary Corporate Services is a proactive commitment to both accessibility and to continually improve inclusive practices.

This will ensure all team members in ODS are being effectively supported and the accessibility needs of all people ODS supports are being proactively considered.

Planned actions

ODS will develop and circulate amongst the team a commitment to disability inclusion and accessible work practices. Compliance will be suggested actions will be reviewed quarterly.

The plan will promote disability inclusion in the ODS’s business as usual activities and promote visibility of disability inclusion efforts. Currently suggested actions include:

  • signposting accessibility features in meetings and supporting software, such as Microsoft Teams, for all ODS facilitated meetings & forums.
  • supporting the Deputy Secretary to distribute ability-related communications and attend ability-related events as appropriate.
  • ensuring communications are distributed to acknowledge International Day of People with Disability across the Corporate Services Division,
  • encouraging divisional executives across Corporate Services to share knowledge and insights about effective inclusion practices.
  • Where appropriate, ODS team members will use ODS-facilitated forums to amplify diverse voices and foreground inclusive practices.

Status report

Current Status: Complete

Date: July 2022

Status Notes:

August 2021 - Initial meeting held 18/05/2021. Actions for inclusion in ODS DIAP identified.

Status Explanatory Note:

Last updated:

12 Mar 2024