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This section provides a selection of online resources to support you in your job search. Assistance available includes: job search engines, programs and information and training to help you into a job.
I Work for NSW – advertises jobs available in the NSW public service.
The Field – job site that actively connects people with disability with jobs from inclusive employers.
Workforce Australia – offers Australia wide job search and links to support services to help you get job-ready.
SEEK – advertises jobs available in many different sectors.
CareerOne – advertises jobs available in many different sectors.
LinkedIn – provides opportunity for networking with others and advertises jobs.
Careers at Council – advertises jobs available in local councils.
Australian Public Service – find jobs available in the Australian public service.
AND: Stepping into Internships – paid internships for tertiary students with disability that matches them with roles in leading businesses.
Xceptional – assesses, places and supports neurodiverse people in jobs and trains employers on inclusion.
Jigsaw Australia – a NSW based national social enterprise that trains and transitions people with disability into award wage employment.
Workforce Australia – offers Australia wide job search and links to support services to help you get job-ready.
IncludeAbility (Australian Human Rights Commission) – resources to support people with disability looking for work, progressing their career or considering self-employment.
Disability Gateway: Employment – information and services to help people with disability prepare for the workforce and get job-ready.
Job Access – offers advice and support for employers and employees.
NDIS – provides assistance to people with disability, for finding, keeping and changing jobs.
Services Australia: Disability Employment Services – information about Disability Employment Services (DES).
Job Access: find a provider – search for DES providers.
DES Providers Search – search for DES providers.
NSW Government: Where to look for work – information about where and how to look for work.
Department of Employment and Workplace Relations: General information – information on how to start work in different sectors, and how to get that first job.
Everyone Can Work – information for people with intellectual disability, their families and supporters about work and supports.
Ngiyani Working Together – supports young Aboriginal students with disability, as well as non-indigenous students with disability, to realise and achieve their post-schooling aspirations.
PaTH Internships – PaTH Internships have supports and services to help with employment for eligible young people.
Transition to Work – provides pre-employment support for eligible young people.
Career Transition Assistance – support for career transition is available for people aged 45 and over registered with eligible employment services, including Disability Employment Services.
Disability Services Australia – provide school leaver employment support and personalised work readiness support in Metro Sydney.
Inclusion Australia – provide a dedicated online portal designed for people with intellectual disability that includes employment pathway information, data and research.
National Disability Coordination Officer Program – works strategically to provide people with disability an equitable opportunity to access and participate in tertiary education and to reach their graduate employment goals.
Employment Services Assessment (Services Australia) – undertaking an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt).
PACE Mentoring – mentoring for people with disability through the Australian Network on Disability (AND).
SEE program – improve skills like reading, writing, maths and computers through the Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) program.
Me Plus More – Women in the Workplace – online professional development courses for women with intellectual disability.
Resourcing Inclusive Communities – supports young people with disability to engage with employment.
Being Leadership Academy – delivers peer-led in-person courses on employment pathways for people living with mental health issues, and online resources.
METS: Education and Training – delivers funded traineeships and full qualifications. Offering supported learning hubs to increase engagement in training in a supported environment.
Ethnic Community Services Co-operative (ECSC) – offers Multicultural disability services.
More than Just a Job – supports people with intellectual disability to develop skills and confidence finding and keeping a job they enjoy.
My Skills – helps develop general works skills.
Job Ready Program – opportunity for training or education to get job ready.
Skills NSW – search the skills training that NSW providers have available.
Services Australia – provides assistance for people who are unemployed, looking for work, and when your income changes.
NDIS – provides assistance to people with disability.
Disability Gateway – information and services to help people with disability, their family, friends and carers, to find the support they need in Australia.
Disability Employment Services – information about DES providers, roles and responsibilities.
RecruitAbility – APS scheme which aims to attract and develop applicants with disability.
Department of Workplace Relations – knowing your workplace rights.
Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) program – ILC provides funding to organisations to deliver projects in the community that support all people with disability, regardless of whether or not they are eligible for the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
NSW Disability Inclusion Plan – strengthens the state’s accessibility framework and outlines work underway to improve outcomes for people with disability. Find out more about the plan.
Buy NSW: Australian Disability Enterprises – links and outline of purchasing options from ADEs – supporting employment for people with disability.
Age of Inclusion – supports employment and inclusion of people with disability in NSW public sector.
NDIS supports: Local Area Coordinators (LACs) – if you are aged 7 and above, Local Area Coordinators (LACs) can link you to the NDIS and to mainstream and community supports in your area. You can ask your LAC about the supports available in your community, even if you're not eligible for an NDIS support plan.
12 Dec 2022