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Carer Gateway – Australian Government website that connects carers with the information, support and services they need. You can also call 1800 422 737 Monday to Friday between 8am and 5pm to speak with a member of their team.
Service NSW - everything you need to know about accessing services, programs and financial help.
Carers NSW - the peak non-government organisation for carers in NSW and a member of the National Network of Carers Associations.
Carers Australia - the national peak body representing all unpaid carers, advocating on their behalf to influence policies and services at a national level.
Companion Card – allows discounted entry for carers who are supporting someone with significant or permanent disability to participate in community based activities and venues.
Decision-making and capacity e-learning course – a free, interactive and self-paced course to learn more about empowering people to make their own decisions.
Young Carers NSW - a central point of information and connection for young people with caring responsibilities. The website provides a tonne of useful information including:
Young Carers Network - a place for young carers to learn about support services, access resources and share their stories and opinions.
Carer Gateway - information on young carer related payments, student loans and the Young Carer Bursary Program.
Mental Health Carers NSW - a non-government organisation that provides systemic advocacy and support for families, relatives and friends of people who experience mental illness, living in NSW.
Dementia Australia - advocates for the needs of people living with all types of dementia, and for their families and carers, and provide support services, education and information.
06 Apr 2023