Communities and Justice

Support and counselling numbers for Aboriginal people

Peak Aboriginal bodies

Aboriginal Child, Family and Community Care State Secretariat (AbSec)

A not-for-profit organisation, AbSec is recognised as the peak NSW Aboriginal organisation providing child protection, and out of home care policy advice on issues affecting Aboriginal children, young people, families and carers.

Phone: 02 9559 5299.

Aboriginal Disability Network NSW

For further information, visit the Aboriginal Disability Network NSW website.

Phone: 02 9370 3100.

NSW Aboriginal Land Council

For further information, visit the NSW Aboriginal Land Council website.

Phone: 02 9689 4444.

SNAICC - National voice for our children

SNAICC is the national non government peak body in Australia representing the interests of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. For further information, visit the SNAICC - National voice for our children website.


Grandmother's Against Removal (GMAR NSW)

Grandmother’s Against Removal (GMAR NSW) advocates for the welllbeing of Aboriginal children and young people particularly their right to remain within the Aboriginal family structure.


ANTaR is a national advocacy organisation dedicated specifically to the rights - and overcoming the disadvantage - of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Phone: 02 9280 0060.


Aboriginal Statewide Foster Carer Support Service

Aboriginal Statewide Foster Carer Support Service provides information, support and training opportunities for carers of Aboriginal children and young people in NSW.

Phone: 1800 888 698.

My Forever Family NSW

My Forever Family NSW provides support, training and advocacy service for all carers in NSW.

Contact My Forever Family NSW by emailing or calling 1300 782 975.

Children and family

Aboriginal Maternal and Infant Health Services

Map and listing of contact numbers for AMIHS.

Services at AMIHS include:

  • Comprehensive and regular antenatal health checks
  • Booking into maternity hospitals
  • Smoking cessation programs
  • Referral and support to access other services
  • Health promotion and community development activities
  • Postnatal checks and support
  • Information on infant feeding and nutrition.

Deadly Tots

Deadly Tots provides great information and resources about parenting programs (some are free) for Aboriginal families, free printable resources, Deadly Tots app, ATSI events noticeboard and more.

Parent Line NSW

For further information, visit the Parent Line NSW website.

Phone: 1300 130 052.

Drugs and alcohol

Your Room

Your Room provides information to support Aboriginal people in NSW in reducing the harms caused by alcohol and drugs and to help our mob become healthier. Info includes the effects of drugs and alcohol including on pregnancy and breastfeeding; how support and treatment, such as detox and rehab, work; and contacts for support and services for problematic alcohol and other drug use.


Aboriginal kids should have their own learning plan. Speak to the school or contact the Department of Education to learn more about Aboriginal education and training plans.

Alternatively you can contact one of the following organisations:

Aboriginal Education Council

Aboriginal Education Council is a not for profit community organisation comprising of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians supporting educational programs which contribute to achieving its vision of a highly educated and empowered Aboriginal population.

Phone: 02 9660 5696.

Aboriginal Education Unit

Phone: 02 9582 5800.

NSW Aboriginal Education Consultative Group

NSW Aboriginal Education Consultative Group provides advice on behalf of Aboriginal communities on education and training.

Phone: 02 9550 5666.

Tranby Aboriginal College

Tranby Aboriginal College is an alternative, independent learning environment. For further information, visit the Tranby Aboriginal College website.

Phone: 1800 601 988 (Freecall).

Indigenous Professional Support Unit NSW (child care/preschools)

Phone: 1800 450 472.

Child Care Access Hotline

For further information, visit the Child Care Access Hotline website.

Phone: 1800 670 305.

Health and disability services

Aboriginal Health

The Aboriginal Health section of NSW Health has information about supporting the health of Aboriginal communities, immunisation, tobacco use, maternal and infant health services, early childhood health services and more.

Take your child for a check up and talk to your doctor or Aboriginal Medical Service. You can find an Aboriginal Medical Service by calling 02 9212 4777.

Aboriginal Medical Services (AMSs) and other A&TSI Health Services

Take your child for a check up and talk to your doctor or Aboriginal Medical Service. For further information, visit the Aboriginal Medical Services (AMSs) and other A&TSI Health Services website.

Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council

For further information, visit the Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council website.

Phone: 02 9212 4777.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Engagement Strategy

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Engagement Strategy is a guide to how National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) will be delivered to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people across Australia written in an easy read format.

Australian Indigenous Health InfoNet

For further information, visit the Australian Indigenous Health InfoNet website.

Life Without Barriers

Life Without Barriers is a leading social purpose organisation working in more than 440 communities across Australia supporting children, young people and families, people with disability, older people and people with mental illness.

Phone: 1800 935 483.


Aboriginal Housing Office

The Aboriginal Housing Office (AHO) is a statutory body established under the Aboriginal Housing Act 1998 (NSW) to ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have access to affordable, quality housing.

The AHO is governed by an all-Aboriginal Board, which provides advice to the Minister for Housing in NSW.

Aboriginal Tenants Advice and Advocacy Service

For further information, visit the Aboriginal Tenants Advice and Advocacy Service website.

Housing Contact Centre - Aboriginal Enquiry Line

An Aboriginal staff member of DCJ works on this phone line Monday to Friday. They can help you with your housing and rental issues. If an Aboriginal staff member is not there when you ring, you can leave a message. An Aboriginal staff member will call you back as soon as they can. You can talk to a non-Aboriginal staff member if you want.

Phone: 1800 422 322.

Leaving care

Link-Up (NSW) and Family Link

Link-Up (NSW) and Family Link conducts research, reunions and social, emotional and wellbeing services for Aboriginal people who have been separated from their families and culture.

Phone: 1800 624 332.

Marungbai Aboriginal Service

Supports Aboriginal young people who have been in care.

Phone: 1800 422 555 or 02 6551 3973.

Aboriginal Affairs Family Records Unit

To apply for the “Finding your Mob” personal family history research call 1800 019 998. For further information, visit the Aboriginal Affairs Family Records Unit website.

Legal help

Aboriginal Legal Service

For further information, visit the Aboriginal Legal Service website.

Phone: 02 8303 6600 from Monday to Friday, between 9.00 am to 5.30 pm

Binaal Billa Family Violence Prevention Legal Service

Binaal Billa Family Violence Prevention Legal Service is a centre that covers the Lake Cargelligo and Murrin Bridge areas of Griffith in south-west NSW.

Phone: 1800 700 218 or 02 6850 1234.

Civil law service for Aboriginal communities 

The Civil law service for Aboriginal communities is part of Legal Aid NSW. For further information visit the Civil law service for Aboriginal communities website.

Phone: 1800 793 017 or 02 9219 5057

Many Rivers Family Violence Prevention Legal Service

Many Rivers Family Violence Prevention Legal Service is based in West Kempsey. For further information visit the Many Rivers Family Violence Prevention Legal Service website.

Phone: 02 6562 5856 or 02 6562 4856

Warra Warra Legal Service

This service is for people living in Broken Hill, Dareton and Wilcannia in Far Western NSW. No website but check out the Warra Warra Legal Service Facebook page.

184-186 Argent St, Broken Hill NSW 2880

Phone: 08 8087 6766

Women’s Legal Service NSW

For further information visit the Women’s Legal Service NSW website.

Phone: 02 8745 6900

Other key Aboriginal organisations

  • Abcare (Coffs Harbour and surrounding areas). Phone: 02 9559 5299
  • Anglicare Aboriginal Partnership (Leeton/Griffith). Phone: 1800 367 837
  • GLMACS (Great Lakes Manning Aboriginal Children’s Services) – Biripi Aboriginal Corporation Medical Service. Phone: 02 6551 2088
  • Barnados Aboriginal Partnership (Orange). Phone: 02 6342 4223
  • Burrun Dalai Aboriginal Corporation. Phone: 02 6562 1913
  • Illawarra Aboriginal Corporation – Myimbarr. Phone: 02 4226 3358
  • KARI Aboriginal Resources. Phone: 02 8782 0300
  • Ngunya Jarjum Aboriginal Child and Family Network. Phone: 02 6626 3700 or 0400 521 488
  • Ngurambang (in partnership with Uniting Care Burnside). Phone: 02 6885 5010
  • South Coast Medical Service Aboriginal Corporation OOHC. Phone: 02 4428 6666
  • South Coast Medical Service Aboriginal Corporation OOHC (in partnership with MacKillop). Phone: 1300 791 677
  • Wandiyali. Phone: 02 4957 5900
  • Waanggay - RivMed & Anglicare Partnership (Wagga). Phone: 02 6927 0400
Last updated:

15 Oct 2024