Communities and Justice

Support while you are in care

From the time you enter care, your caseworker will be in regular contact. However, you don't have to wait for your caseworker to contact you. You can contact him or her at any time to discuss any concerns, questions or issues you may have.

Your caseworker will:

  • work with you to set goals and plan for your future, and create an action plan that can help you make your goals a reality
  • have contact with lots of people in your community, for example, your school, family and your carers
  • listen to you, help you with concerns or challenges you may have, and support you in the things that are happening in your life
  • work with your carer to support you.

Any additional support you may need will be outlined in your case plan. For example, seeing a psychologists or other medical and health service such as a dentist.

Your caseworker often has to make decisions about your life, but they should always speak to you first to get your input before a decision is made.

Last updated:

18 Jun 2024