Communities and Justice

Easy Reads

The NSW Child Protection Guide for Families has also been written as six easy read booklets. Each booklet explains a key area of the guide.

The aim of the Easy read is to give more people access to information. One idea per sentence is explained, using basic language, simple font and design. Images are used to add meaning to the text and they help you to understand the information.

The easy reads provide essential information without lots of  background information. They help people who want to read and understand information quickly.

The booklets are found at the DCJ Easy Read Hub

  1. NSW DCJ - When a caseworker visits (PDF, 11.9 MB)
  2. NSW DCJ - Helping children stay safe at home (PDF, 9.7 MB)
  3. NSW DCJ - If your child needs to go into care (PDF, 6.9 MB)
  4. NSW DCJ - Staying connected with your child  (PDF, 6.7 MB)
  5. NSW DCJ - Bringing your child home (PDF, 5.6 MB)
  6. NSW DCJ - If your child can't come home  (PDF, 5.4 MB)
Last updated:

16 Sep 2024