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The review looked at systems, policies and practices as well as the involvement of children, family, community, service sector and carers in decision-making for Aboriginal children and young people in Out of Home Care (OOHC).
Consultations took place with communities, families, the OOHC sector, inter-agencies and workers through:
The review looked at the individual circumstances of Aboriginal children and young people who entered OOHC in NSW between 1 July 2015 and 30 June 2016.
In June 2017, the review team’s expert case reviewers focused on the circumstances of 52 Aboriginal children and young people who were part of the identified group. The aim was to learn from these to inform the rest of the review process.
The circumstances of the remaining 1153 Aboriginal children and young people were then reviewed.
The Chairperson made recommended steps for consideration and action by the then Family and Community Services (FACS) (now known as the Department of Communities and Justice, DCJ) District Child Protection and OOHC services where issues were identified for an individual child or sibling group, and where immediate benefit was possible.
Individuals were invited to share their own experience in OOHC by email or in writing. Organisations, peak bodies and other interested groups and individuals with experience with Aboriginal children and young people in OOHC were also invited to make a public submission to the review.
Disclaimer: The information on this webpage is accurate of 2017 and may not reflect current developments.
07 Aug 2023